Page 7 - index
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                                 nie next Canenlogicnl  Resenrch Dirmary will be published in April  1988. The closin&
                                 date for <:niries:-  31 Oaober,  1987.
                                 The Dire,clories are released simullaneaualy in San Francisw (USA),  London (ENG.)  and
                                  Sydnry (AuS.) and copies are mailed by surface delivcip ra nearby eounrriea. All contribuiors
                                  in Norlh America.  Britain,  Europe  and Auriialasia  will ieceive their copy  wiihin 3  weekr
                                  of rhe books hcing released.
                                 A Dinctury ir sent  automaiically  10  each coniribuior  frce of charge. Somc 5000 addirional
                                 copies arc:  printed  for  resale  by Sacieties and  purchased by  state and  lacal librarieî  and
                                 individual geiiealogists worldwide.  Thi,  wideapread halc and dirlributian of the Direc1ar.v
                                 enables a large number <if persans ta have accers ro the Direelory which is of grear benefii
                                  io ihe cuiiirihurors.
                                  ENTRY F'ORMS:
                                  May beabiained frorn any ofour agenls listed on the reverse side of the title page of ihisDireaor>.
                                  Forms arc available in French andGerman as well as English. Fumsareala<i distributed by a large
                                  number of Gencalogiïal Societies and you should check wiih your local society firsr.
                                  IMPROVE THE 1988. DIRECTORY:
                                  In respons,: tu suggestions made by users. sume changes have been made in thir Direciury.
                                  Yaursuggi:siianson haw fulurçDirecroriesci>uld k improved are welmined. Wriie io the Editon.
                                  G.R.D.  Cloany of the agenü listed.
                                  SOCIETY LISTINGS:
                                  Swieties niay advenise FREE;  lheir paniculars are placed ai the end of the Direcfory.
                                  FORTHCOMINC EVENTS:
                                  Plearc advise the Editon of fonhcaming regional, national or international gencalogieal euenu.
                                  RESEAR<:H ARTICLES:
                                  Authors mgsubmiitu the Editars researchanicles which deal with subjectaof international interest
                                 nndarelikely toassistawide rangeafresearcheis. e.g.  Milimry rwordsintheRiblicRecordOifiçe,
                                  Lnndon, Eiiglrnd; the Petilians held in the Smte Paper Office. Dublin. Ireland: ihe ~eords aiche
                                 General Register Offiee.  Edinhurgh, Scoiland.  and records held an nther European repmitaries
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