Page 74 - index
P. 74
72 About Genealogical Standards of Evidence
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b.', .. ,'?. . ' . IS )n lalor ti~i~eaihe pr~achera have ~IH ayn hall u frlcn~l in ber+~IjB.he+--':.': '
~ouso for a homo. 8110 wan unlted ir! ntrqipgo:to Mt:BlcAtlItui Iq.1817jd8~e.. ,' ::
relI to tbe hteliudtsL &w<h, oC a~wh-ekocootu~)c30neoCour~t~
nca~lwrs '1'1111a tho Inalrutnonb of her anlva~ion bcoame ttta pmplc of kdP
.ho~re ; attJ [n)m the deep piMy %hick her lauorr IttauQo. I e~Q~lud&hhtra\lh_;,-.
,nd rcli8run were scripll~ral. Iler wrlh tt~~~gtt-life nhowed it; iWf Bad'hu'
lhwn it ttrmn her rorrfrinr ahiktrca.:in hrrfnxSntt6 rnPr'~guF.rft~t#&- '3.2
Wheh L rgtmed sahcquoilolnaecr \*ilbiakc"E.IeAdB!$rL&
nnnner and conrersattorr nh~oh showed f wacr a?aw+nt*d
R nlournina fornilr. a parant chair, and'an empty coush,~told rk 'bmw tidinjab
that one of my &st sisten fine &one benec.
" Tho winter of tmuble 11 flnd
~tw flerta orat~itctfon ate o'er.
--Rc~x@~~I?x,--- -"-- -- ----
And arrow arid death are no Znnre " -
Pbo lived and died a Methodtat. An hour ptaP'i~~ ht6a@&k$,-JJ&
~nfortnrtl, she atarned to b6rget tho ft&g of naturein the anticip&tb@S-of. glotp,
and urrtfi cleat vaias long thmt heat on-inspired *else,
She then rcauertcd heT ;laughters to conalutts tba bpm, aid rbt dsfif@dk&-
some advice; and Ina~tnationr to her aornwing buabin.4. ah^ be@-%' &...f-
IIOUI saying, Pniw (iod--ir (ion-paiu (ld Iwr&~.~.W$${x~' :
Q:I~\~N. ~ld.fr1~!~1$ ah r..U$&.c W0. aFI.m &--!.C b ~ h - ~ ~ ~ , . ~ ,
t!op~.'' -'f.h8 fo)I~wl~~g wtil)On 1)). her, 8ndd6pi3 , ~'h$@fi&b@-@%i~ w,;..::
dera Itorore her denth : . . z ..Y. " -*. ': -
--:h~r*kr+ ' ,-&lure -qw~
valley, anthj=ha r*eraed alu.e?$$$i?t$Iclpinn i,fy. ' . ' ' -7 -
ring. I st, if tbe~piriu of IL0 ~brified 81. a ~ h 4
Inanti..-# rrlf ~ften coma end hover over iir 7&si'i%#T&ttrcn;id e$i~nIiiiik;
dim." Illsay will ray with ms;-wt&it mo dT* bcr cleahX- . .~~zPJQ~$&+.:::.