Page 76 - index
P. 76
74 About Genealogical Standards of Evidence
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his tmls md we&* on crcasiag. Hb 4rters were ~IN. Dun- JfEA&ur. Erin; Mrs.
t1a04. Peter Pcllrthur. N-pwefa; Mrs. Ad, Neb, Erin, nu6 Uls.
hars Ulcf prw Rumld S'mlgir Erm.
p2yth:;z dill lives in Cpl~lon, on Use Erin l'p. line. His mother had * -11
His brothr; John I- druw~d st Wbp bfore landing, and Xeil
t d C~aderltao~ amount of mooev hut llonnld had only Be. when he landed in Quebp.
After wurkiryl i;'f~uutwl for a short tima stid swing a lille mW,
Irard~ne, where ha. m mrupnay with hie brother-in-law. Dunan Mdrthur, bowhi IUU
Jm bamtrro son ncrer. rwt Bi~lf Iat 5. ntn Ill, Erin, vbieb tbay aurted to clear null put
iha Gbb* cbR, in u erup. After thrw pcre Donald purchd hts brotkr la law's ia
lor gmr%. rrrest sod mt. then: prmancntly. He Bniahd elrnrin it, and in 1895
any. when I* n,tirml to mio Village owned ~WJ ar~a of lSn& Ila had n hir
aoded, with the erlr~staun. and never took intelcst in wlltieal or municirml adaira. Re
s wEuq of aaa Trtatw of SF. Xo. 1 for abtd twentyfiris hinu dump
k grratl~. intersrtnl in rhd mattom. Be kvpt goud ~taek, and in~pmrd
be Sadel larm. nii plaw Mr. Mrlieehnle mu n I'reabyterioo end a Liheral. Ilt m
J.i~rg~mt Young. of Erin, rhcn d. 1880. agc 78. lerue: Alexandsr fd.1,
aua utntoapben. .lane ld.1. Mra. Oilkrt Ydrlhsw, Erio; ,loh~ Equeinp; Jama id. end hs, et b&e.
ih cenRn nod Ertnt. Daniel id.), Andrtr, .\irk John Collirb. Hrio; Margaret, Erin;
mind &ir in nlrd Seil. Ii.1'.
Andrew. LL 081 Ute hot~wtead in Fxm. hra Jwy8 ban mpaged in
aako of Chal frrnunr. 111. uorkcd at llome lor vebr3. und for his shnre of Lhe nnr.
, otul baa sines perty ku.#vrd 11m nrrcf, the ~.ot-bll sf I#* 5 mn. 11 Fria whirh
1 he b new the 10 n~ld. anal pt~n:hwd rha homeslend where he & sinve L:dali mep t
for flr~ Fears, when be rented ir onxl qqemted his brdhcr's farm en tik
.to reaide ulth rth line. He earria on mkl farming, &ping pxl grdc stoclq end
takor an rdire intrre+t is tbc nfiuirs af the utunlrhip. Ife aaa Tmt~
d S.S. So. 4 for threr vesrs, and nt Ibis writin? is -1ng bi.* tltird
term aa Torrsliip C!!uil;?ilier. bin# 1i.t ost Ime by m:tuma.
tinn. In lSSt he m. Yon. dm. of .Jun~ex Msralmll. of Brnnptot8. Ixxrte:
>tar). A. and David.
appmnted s re 3fcGF.E. TIIO\I.\$ (d.1, b. Scot. He wnr n lint*, nzeurer by Lrwlo,
. hletntoab war and marc 11, C'nnada in 1545. and tmlc up had ia I\clle+lcg Tp. Isaue:
re late Yr, ood 31~1. 'riwmir& Wilan anti \Villiuan.
\\illimm, b. in Ulnapu, JEnt.. in 1Sli. fulb,a+d his father to Cm-
ndr m :%I4 and work4 with Lim lo Welleclrr until 18DO. sineti be
~uec to Dlnqhun~ugl! Tp. and hriitel la) nt,rer, the xest half of lul I?.
rcm. :3. He tmk his elrsrann pulrers nnd CYorrn deed in 1873. 1md chi.
hnn har serer pawl ant or tlte frmilp. BP .I weaves by tmde. Sfr~,.P('ffl.4Y. .TONY (4.i.
w<.rkiny at it rtrry fall ualal hm duth. at which ttam th!n wnr a pie IdPO, csp :hi. Hr. ,ma o furn,*i'r
crf cleth in hir iu~rn. UP 1M 0 mm iodu~trinu< and actire orao, of luar L<$pt o dr&pw'a slap in Ptlrl
~tcrling qseiitin md a kind diswxit$o. He rux x I<r;ll prefirher osd r~t nluwt one mtlr frum Carleton
n very active rsrk<:r in tho .Methodist crhturh. and was mmtnmental in Rl~btmlvr. NP m. Ann IInurt-n
r when the land aeouring f:.en dauk lor hlaqhsruttgh. nithoot ~lai~it the pe~ple uf w. Inn,r$pfi: .tlexandor. Coltden; \T
y&QtQ g dq woullt Lnve lmd rny little edunttiollirl ;tLnolspn In pu1iti.r Or %-ofland. and Mt.. l>lnlay Ho)w.
was ir Hrfurnter. In lYti he m. >larpre\ D. $lcmnng. lie a. in LHHL. and Jam% d. \raf.n.bnrush. b. ie
me AWmkr. ngo Ci, wllilo xlie d. in ?OM, age i3.,.: \Ira. K. Kinp (d.1 : .lab", ,lnmae b. Csrldnn Place, d.
be Ptalyterian l'ea!rb,n,'; Yn. Thus. f*ultner. Wan-txlrsnnh. Thomaa. MaqbuntugIh: trade. and'whcn he time to ?Iinr!
mil* x,. &I* Eli~kth (d.), Jams, lsr? ld.1, \Tilliibm (d.i, ArchihallL :Ilrxnnder, em8 hnlf lot 12. mtl. 15. there u
*be mwt mrl In B.C: and Dsrid. e mi3sioa¶ry in indi:~ James and dmhihnld sere prmt man,? of the bourn and lm
mltm rhn bog- kro and raid on the hnmesb~cl. ouf ahirh rtr6 ~IL? 60 sc-. Th~y Imusr. ie slill atanding cto tics pis
r the boiuestead were well read wen, & ffun~els, and Are ?Ildh*li.;lr and Librdr. for st,mra vl'rr*. nod war ortlw in
ol thr ntd Dt.mmLl Phuns!8. als
In plilirn be Gar n Rekrn8a.r.
~~CKESZIE, E~XSETII <&I. 1% 1r10, d 18i:. uoc, ~mn ~rq- il1.nwI h~ !hi. wt,rl;inp h*r film I
*bin.. Paar., actd came ro Purliluh Tp. in 1543. puroh.~sing a yuiltter'. %nrh .I.' Ilallnntrn~~. of Irthnr.
rluinl +m kt IT, run. 10. Afk etaring tbb he inrr~arcl hi8 Irtlciinp d that township. Is,ar: \Villin.
to 2011 ncrn hy pureha~isg Is* IH, wn. 10. oocl bt 16. ncn. 11. lle rllr miniqtcr. 1innnrrp.r: XI*. YC'. If. I
a s,ulb of grmt prrrrml udirtlv, nnd an rxtrenwig Lrrd trrrrlier, al- Bmmlon: 3lrr Rm I<ivn. flrittclr
tr!n~!lt,g always ta bir private burin-. ao,l leariag ntaairipnl honors fd. 10); Xrx. Swan Oillri~, lfnr
to others rho were satore pay blr them. Ar xs. n arnrialcnt i'reshp L farmen. Bran.: Jlrs. d. E. I
ininn. nnd a btnurjclt lilwrn FIe n,. Chrirtina Cmncmn. who axme to t*s,lter. Arthur. 31r~. &trI~chlnn
Cnnnde in 1532. 1.ziur. Annie, d. in infxn$.>-; Irvhlhaid, lknsld ad.
st 261, while *tutlvin~~ for the minirtm: %,mi?. at the home;
Alexander. in XVl?stke~b Co ; Uuncan, d I&&, n6e 42: Kenneth. frett.r, \f~r~tr(:rri.~x. RIG-IIAKD I
who went to XIlrntaotl io 1681: Janet. n ntlrsie in nochester. nnd Chris. m. Mary Qdplilng. They came t
. .- .. . - ... . . fifty urrrs .,I land 0% the Emmm
Banutlt, unrn.. aam and works the homestead. whirh he hno in a Their iatnily were b. on t&is far
Bnt elsnl ltata of mltivalion. Ibs ha. one of the flnat bme. in the farm and nurchitml Int e". nm. 5
tewn~bip. and he nnd hb nistsrr tako pdC in kwpieg it is that eon- dtatia in 1863. iiis awn, dohu ul
diliun. Kenneth devotes his entire attention to his fnm mmk. snd and Emmwn, and hrn-e al-sr I
dm not take so netivs, lurt in mttaidpll m pglitiesl math. fie mnt4 1.k 27, ntn. 1. lirammn (1
makr* n special@ of Oxfunidam sheep. brdnx fnr the I d mrkd. Usir isrm sod hnrr binn, ovurd r
?la is a Yrsoh~terian, md a 1.ikral. ond one of tl~e moat respeck1 man
&*I afi tmt &>I- in the tomhip.
n lht, he ha. by Ardnibald ia n ernt tmrreller, horing bcm all o\.er thsr \%'&ern %fcl.RAS, At.CXOD%it, b
net fartna rvttlt State8 nud Canurln sprerol timu. ~s well n? Lo &atland. Ae is .an tha ngo of 85 Ha we la prsrr I
d its moa prav in Yurkton. S.N.T. Ile is n mwn by trucle. and ia unm. hie parenl~ Ife rltnred the IQV
kltan C0, wboee PI a pert of ab~ch be sold lo Pet
aklioepee. in Ta lul man, ndiua ttnd nepreulve
,P h , at bmna l;;@h~mr~ ;:y; 1; ;;;ctg;n~ayd.2~ "fa"ft;lt7;*ttlera ZE sluaya pus on the mrner3 m roi
pemk the furkn the Ymbutenuo church, and lu
hthn his mn vnr L 2s Itn8mtran. 1835 ant1 xrt m, lht twrn lone hve for thm uesn. nad fount1