Page 88 - index
P. 88


                      The parents of Olivier we:&"~ Lecmard and pelagie Thibodeau who
                      were married Oct 0 4,1830 at St0Fran~oisoBeauce,PeQe

                      The parents of Leonard were Augustin and his second wife Angeli-
                     que Poulin who were married Jan.30,1791 at St.Franyois. He mar-
                      ried as first wife l1 Q Genevieve Veilleux Nov o ll,1793 at St. Fran-

                      srois ",
                     The parents of Augustin were Jean-Baptiste and his second wife
                     Genevieve Proulx who were married Feb&23 g 1767 at stoJoseph,
                     BeauceaPoQ. He married as first wife Angelique Poulin Jan.26,

                     1765st StQJoseph,Beauce o
                     The parents of Jean-Baptiste were Jean and Jeanne Sedillot dit
                     Montreuil who were married Feb o ll,1743 at Ste Foye,P.Q.
                     The parents of Jean were Gilbert and Fran~olse petitjean who
                     were married at Rosayo diocese.of Bourgesfj in BerrY,France.

                     Jean who came to Canada was a Dupuis but the family adopted
                     the name of Gilbert when they went -to settled at st.Joseph of
                     Beauceo Jean had a brother who came also                     to Canada, Gilbert-
                     Charles.He married MeAngllique Brunet NOVo13~1741 at Ste Faye,
                     PeQ. She was baptized Febo7,1719 daughter of Jean and Angelique

                     S~dillot dit Montreuil o Gilbert=Charles was buried Dec.I,1767 at
                     St.Joseph o Jeanos wife Jeanne was baptized sept o 8 1724 daughter
                     of Jean-Adrien ~nd Jeanne Dorion"


                     LAUREAT W&s born May 27 1909 and died Jan o 1977 at Hills Beach,
                     r'1e y.nexpectedly in a local hospitalo He was the son of Celestin

                     and Alphonsine Goulet who were married Sept e lO,l906 at Biddeford,
                     His wife 'I,'il'as Haria Potvin"They \oJere married Nov o l,1939 in Bidde-
                     ford" They had 2 daughters::Mrso Annet.::te Stang of New York and

                     r-irs Dorothy Corriveau of Arlingtongliass and one son:Robert of
                     Saco..,Mee> He had 12 grandchildreno He '\flas shipfitter most of his
                     life - work for the Biddeford = Saco oil COo for several years
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