Page 86 - index
P. 86
Roy who were married Sept~11~1894 at St.Epiphane,P.O.
Her surviving relatives were first 4 sisters: Mrs.Anne Dube" and
, ".
~~s. Irene Dube and ~~s Antoine (Joanne) Lajoie and Mrs. Romeo
(Marie) Thibault all of Lewiston,Me and 3 brothers: Aime and
Wilfrid both of Lewiston,Me and Joseph R. of ~ooklyn,N.Y.
Rose lived in Lewiston,Me for the. past 67 years. She was a
textile worker..,
Her grandparents were Elizee and Julie Therriault who were mar-
ried Aug o l7,1868 at St.Epiphane.
The parents of Eliz~e were Jean-Ieaie and his second wife Angele
Talbot who were married Septo24,1816 at St.Roch des Aulnaies,p.Q.
He married as first wife Sophie Larcher Aug.l,181S at St.Roch
des Aulnaies o
The parents of Jean-Isaie were Amable and Marguerite Hudon
who were married Feb.8,1779 at StGAnne de la Pocatiere,P.Q.
The parents of Amable were Louis and his first wife M.Fran¥oise
Pelletier who were married Feb.27,17S3 at St.Roeh des Au1naies.
He married as second wife Charlotte Asselin Jan.9,1786 at St.
Roeh des Aulnaies.
The parents of Louis were Jacques and MoLouise St.Pierre who were
married Nov.14,1112 at Riviere-Ouelle,PeQ.
The parents of Jacques were Jean and his third wife Madeleine
Trottier. Jean married as first wife Marie Bedard and as second
wife Olive Mezeray.
The parents of Jean were .Yean and Anne Magnan who were married
Oct.22,l665 at Quebec CitYG (see the above couple on page 81)
DENNIS Ao was born Oct o 9,1904 at Lewiston,Me and died at the
age of 72 at TustinO/Calif ... She was the son of Archi11e and vero-
nique Veilleux who were married Nov.2,1884 at St.Victor,P.Qo
His wife was Pearl daughter of James Braden of Tustin. His
surviving sister was Bertha McCillicuddy of Falmouth,Mass.