Page 92 - index
P. 92


                     Noel who were ma~ried NOv Q 7 g 1174 at StoPierre d'orleans,p.o.
                                                                                  ~  ~
                     The parents of Charles were Fra~ois and Helene Ratte who were
                     married Nov.15,1734 at stoPierre, lIe d'Orleans •.

                     The parents of Fran~ois were Jean-Baptiste and Marguerite Blou-
                     ard who were married Nov o 9 17CO at St.Pierre, lIe d'Orleans.
                     (This above couple is to be. found in the middle of the page 86.)


                        /                                     '~
                    ADELARD was born July ~u1894 at St.LecnoPoQ. and died Mar.6,l980
                     in Berlin,N.H. He was the son of Paul and Adele(Adelaide)Laflam-
                    me who were married Feb.28,1875 at Standon,P.Q.

                    His wife was Germaine De Serve who died in 1969. They had 3 sons:
                    Roger and L'Opold and Richard all of Berlin and 2 daughters:Mrs
                    James(Fleurette)Ryan and Mrs Jolande Bilodeau both of Berlin. and
                    22 grandchildren and 17 greatgrandchildren. He lived in Berlin

                    for 52 years and was employed                as a layboyman at the Burgess dry-
                    ers for Brown Coo until his retirement 20 years ago.
                    His grandparents were Paul and Madeleine Catellier who were mar-
                    ried Aug.3,l647 at stocharlesqBellechassQqPaQ.
                                                                 .                           ,                 ~
                    The parents of the second Paul were Paul and Marguerite Labonte
                    who were married May 9 0 1826 at St e Miche1,Be11echasse,p.Q.(Margue-
                                     ,                                                                    .
                    rite Labonte ca~          be found in the book eThe Clement so-called
                    Labonte Family' page 184 g farnily Co)
                                                                                          ,        ,
                    The parents of the third Paul were                  Paul and M.Felicite Roy who

                    were married Sept.19 1797 at St.Michel.
                    The parents of the fourth Paul were                   Louis and Elisabeth Agnes
                    Thibeault who were married Jan~23,1736 at St.Valier,Bellechasse,
                    The parents of Louis were Antoine and ~~eJeanne Gaboury who were

                    married NovG3 1698 at St~MichelG
                    The parents of Antoine were Jean and Marie Chusson of Courny,
                    in the diocese of Limoges           o  in Limousin,departement of Haute-Vien-

                    ne, France. His wife M.Jea~ne was baptized July 15,1682 and was
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