Page 83 - index
P. 83
ROGER was 33 years old when he died Feb s ll g l980 in a Brunswick
Hospital following a long illnessc He lived in Brunswick,Me.
He was the son of Ernest and Claire Helie who were married July
5,1941 in Brunswick G
His wife was Ir~ne Boisvert~They were married Sept.4,197l in
Lewiston,Me~They had two daughters: Anita and C~ileo His sur-
viving ralatives were his mother Claire and one sister Lucy Har-
ris of Topsham,Me and 2 brothers: Richard and Robert. The first
one from Brunswick and the second from Bath,Me.:his maternal
grandfather Armand Helie of Topsham and paternal stepgrandmother
M.Louise Gamache of Brunswicke
His grandparents were Ernest and Lucie Levesque whowere married
July 3,1918 at Brunswicko
The parents of Ernest were Octave and Celina Normand who were
married Jan.12,1875 at St.E~gene6P0Qo
The parents of Octave were Isaac and M 3 Bibiane Thibeault who were
married Feb.l,1842 at Islet,P.Qe
The parents of Isaac were Isaac and M~Josette Fournier who were
married Feb.ll,18l7 at Islet.
The parents of the second Isaac were Joachim and Genevieve Choui-
nard who were married Octo19,1776 - civil marriage contract by
The parents of Joachim were Joachim and Scholastique Thibault
who were married D3col 174l at 131et.
The parents of the second Joachim were Nicolas and Marie Dion
who were married Jano26 1705 at Islete
The parents of Nicolas were Nicolas and Ursula Cloutier who were
married Nov.9,1616 at Chateau-RicherePoQ.
The parents of the second Nicolas were Nicolas and Jasqueline
Cadotte of Illiers, diocese of Chartres c in Beauce,departement
of E~e-et-Loir,Franceo The Nico1as who came to Canada was the
°Seigneur D of IsletgPoQo His wife Elisabeth-ursula Cloutier was
the daughter of Charles and Louise Morin. She was baptized July