Page 93 - index
P. 93
the daughter of Louis Gaboury and Nicole Soulard. Goupil was
first spelled GOUPY0
JEAN-PAUL was born Mzr.24,1929 at Beauceville,P.Q. and died
June 15,1979 at an hospital in Quebec City after a long illness.
He was the son of Joseph and €merentienne Veilleux who were mar-
ried July 11,1904 at StGMaximsuPcQo
He had 6 sisters suviving him: MISe Simonne Boulet and Mrs.
Robert Plamondon and Mrs. Paul veilleux all of Beauceville,p.Q.
and Mrs Dom Bolduc of St.Marie of Beauce and ~~s Henry Belisle
of Lewiston,Me and Mrs. J~hn Veilleux of Waterville,Me and 4
brothers: Jacques of Lewiston and Benoit of Auburn,Me and Marcel
of Beaucevi11e and Jean-Luc of QU~bec City. He lived here in Le-
wiston,Me for about 10 years and was employed at the Veilleux
Brothers' Lumber Co.
His grandparents were Ovide and Marie Giguere who were married
Oct.28,1879 at st.Franyois,Beauce,PoQo
The parents of Ovide were Jacques and his first wife Justine Ne-
ron who were married Oct.17 1835 at StoFran~ois. He married as
second wife Rosalie Poulin Octe26,1868 at St.Franyois.
The parents of Jacques were Etienne and M.Catherine Parent who
were married July 27,1802 at Ste Marie of Beauce,PeQ. He married
as second wife M.Louise Foucher NOve21,1825 at Ste Marie,Beauce•
.", dII,
The parents of Etienne were Etienne and his first wife M.Genevi-
eve Grenier who were maried Jan.18,1780 at Ste Marie. He married
as second wife Marie Veilleux Feb.2g 1808 at st.Fran9ois.
The parents of the second Etienne were Louis and Louise Levasseur
who were married July 3,1752 at Lauzon,P~Q.
The parents of Louis were Jean-Franjois and Genevieve Lienard
who were married Nov.12,l710 at Ste Foye,P.Q.
The parents of Jean-Franrois were Franyois and his first wife
Mathurine Belanger who were mar~ied Apr.26,1688 at Pointe aux