Page 89 - index
P. 89
before his retirement o After his retirement he worked at the
Rumery Boat Yard in his spared time e
His grandparents were Ferdinand and Marie Chiasson who were mar-
ried July 7,1873 at St.LambertqP~Qe
The parents of Ferdinand were Louis and HoAnastasie Boucher who
were married Feb.7,1842 at SteJean Chrysostome,P.Q.
The parents of Louis were Jean and Romaine Larose who were mar-
ried Sept.22,1817 at Lauzon~PoQ.
The parents of Jean were Louis and Gen~vieve Delisle who were
married Feb o 23,1784 at St.Jean,Ile d'orleansqP.O.
The parents of Louis were Jean-Fran9ois and M.Fran~oise Gosselin
who were married Nov.14,1735 at StGLaurent,Ile d'orleans.
The parents of Jean-Franyois were Barthelemi and M.Anne Dionne
who were married Aug.l9 g l697 at Ste Famille,Ile d'Orleans.
The parents of Barthe'1emi were Jean and Jeanne Guiet who were
married in France around 1652. Jean Gobille of Niort(Deux-Sevres)
in the diocese of Poitiers,France was confirmed at ch~teau-Richer
JOSEPH (AL) was born July 23 q 1902 in Brunswick,Me and died Apr.
6/11980 in Lynn Mass o He died in an hospital suddenly, He was the
son of Hector(Jean-Baptiste) and Catherine Moreau who were mar-
ried Feb.l8 g l89S at Islet,p~00 His surviving sister Jeanne Lebel
of Swampscott,Masse He lived in Swampscott for 40 years,was em-
ployed by the General Electric at Lynn during the war, later a
leather cutter in Lynn and Salem Mass and retired 10 years ago.
His grandparents were Narcisse and Virginia Boulet who were
married Jan.13,1863 at ~slete(This above couple is on page 80.)