Page 74 - index
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MUNICIPAL LAW.                   73
                     Itiiii. Commission of Inquiry into Finances.  Upon petitiijii ol" one-
                  third  of  tlic niembtTK  of  Council, or  thirty  t'loetoi-s,  the  Lieutenant-
                  (Jovernor in (Council nuiy ifssue a commission to inquire into the tinancial
                  afi'airs of tlie municipality, and such commission shall have tiie same power
                  as any court in civil cases to summon witnesses ami compel the production
                  of documents, etc., in evidence.
                      The expenses allowed shall be certified t(j by tlu' Treasurer of Ontario,
                  and be paid by the municipality within three months after demand there-
                  foi' by the connnission at the otHce of the Treasurer of the Corporation.

                      IWJ- How to be Executed.  All debentures or bonds must (unless
                  otherwise speciallj' provided) be sealed with the seal of the corporation,
                  and  sijfnetl by the head thereof, or by .some other person authorized by
                  by-law to sijjn the .same, otherwise they are not valid.  The treasurer is
                  re(|uired to see the money propei'ly applied to the payment of the interest
                  and principal of the debentures.
                      Debentures issued in aid of any railway, oi' for any bonus,  )>'•(> valid
                  without the corporate  .seal, and are only I'equired to be in such torm as
                  directed by the by-law.
                      illlH. Debenture Coupons.  The coupons attached to the debentures
                  issued by any nnmicipality, e.Kcept a city, must be sii>iied by the head of
                  thf municipality and the treasurer.
                      llliU. Validity of Debentures.  Debentures issued under a by-law
                  that has received the assent of the electors and that has not been quashed
                  are valid, notwithstanding^ any deficiency in the form of the l)y-law.
                      340. Debentures Issued before February ist, 1883, under a by-  il
                  law, and the interest and principal which may have fallen dtie have been
                  paid for two years, the by-law and debentures shall be valid and binding,
                  and cannot be quasheil on any ground whatever.
                      IWI. Local Improvement Debentures issued under Section 6(54 of
                  the Jfunicijial Act, or (jther Act  relatint; to local in>])rovement purposes,
         bear on their face the words "Loral, Improvement Dehcntiivfs" and
                  also give both the name and date of the by-law.
                      S4?J. Consolidated By-Law.  To obviate the difficulty in negotiating
                  debentures for vaiious small amounts recjuired for particular local improve-
                   ments, the Council may, after passing the by-laws covering the same, pass
                  a collective or cuuuilative by-law consolidating the several amounts and
                   is.sue the ro(|uired debentures in a general consecutive issue, apportioning
                   the amomit rai.sed thereby and crediting each service with the annmnt
                   previously named.
                      Councils desiring to avail themselves of this provision must insert
                   in each of the  individual by-laws intimating that the amount of the
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