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.MINICIPAL I.AW.                  71
                 account and may l)e applietl towanls tlio next year's interest, but il' it more
                 than pays the interest then tlie excess must be carried to tl>e sinking fund
                 account or paid on the principal of sucli debt.
                     JWIl. Sinking Fund Money nnist not be used  in any case for cur-
                 rent expenditure, unless so authorized by the Municipal or some other Act.
                     Ii'i4  Councillors' Personal Liability.  In caso a ("ouneil diverts any
                 of said moneys the members wlio vnfe for such diversion are personally
                 liable for said amount, which may be recovered in any coiu't of competent
                 juri.sdiction.  Such members  are  also  di.s((ualiHed  from  holdinir any
                 iiiunicii)al oflice for two years.
                     It the Council, upon the reipiest of any ratepayer, nei^leets for one
                 niontli thereafter to bring .such action in the name of the nnniicipality, the
                 action may be iirought by an^y ratei)ayer on l)ehalf of himself and all the
                 other ratepayers of the nnniicipality.
                     ;K5. Treasurer's Annua! Statement.  The Treasurer  is recjuired to
                 lay before the Council eveiy year before th<' striking of the annual rate, a
                 statement showing  the amount  to be  lai.sed  towards a sinking fund.
                  Kailure to do so reinlers him liable to a peiuilty of .iiS25, to be recovered at
                 the instatiee of any resident I'atcpayer.
                     IWH. Neglect to Provide Sinking Fund.  If the Council neglects
                 in any year to levy the amount re(|uired to provide a sinking fund for the
                 payment of the debenture del)t of  tht» nninicipality, every member of the
                 ('ouneil  is  distpialitied from holding any mvuiieipal oflice for two years.
                 Any member may free himself from  this penalty l)y showing to the satis-
                 faction of the judge or coiu't that he madi' leasonable efforts to procure the
                 levying <jf the required rate.
                     It'il.  Redemption  of Debentures.  The  Lieiitenant-Covernor  in  m
                 Council may direct that a portion of the special  rate  levied and at the
                 crcflit of the sinking fund  account, instead of being inve.sted, shall be
                 applied to the payment of the ilebt or debentures though not then payable,
                 and at .such value as the Council can agree upon.  The Council shall apply
                 fi!nl continue  to ap])ly such  part of  the produce of the special rate as
                 directed by such Oi'dcr in Council.
                     li'iH. Investment of Surplus.  If the moneys at the credit of the
                 sinking  finid, or special rate account, cannot be immediately applied to-
                 wards payment of such debt, the Ccmncil is re(piired to invest it in (jlovern^
                 ment securities, municipal delu'iitures, or in  first mortgage on real estate,
                 farm property, or in such other debentures as the Lieiitenant-Covernor in
                 (>)uncil may approve.  A mortgage on  real estate must not exceed two-
                 thirds in value according to the  last revised Assessment Roll (.see Section
                 420, Municipal Act).
                     ll'i9. Purchasing Unsold Debentures.  The Council may use the
                 sinking fund in purchasing ini.sold <lebentures, and hold .such debentures as
                 an investment on account of the sinking fund.
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