Page 69 - index
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of tlic Municipal Act huvo not been substHntitilly complied witli. See
Sections 270, 2«0, 282, 285, 28() and 287, of this book.
I{04. Uiiregistered By-Laws, hy-laws passed under the Municipal
l>raina<:fe Act, (jr foi' local iMiprovenicnts under the Municipal Act, provid-
ing for the i.ssue of debentures, need not necessarily be retjistered, but may
be registered at the option of the nnnn'cipality.
IJ05. Yearly Rates. The Council shall in each year assess and levy
on the whole ratable jjropert}' in th(; Uiunicipidity a sum sufficient to ])ay
all the valid debts falling due within the year, but the aggregate rate
nmst not be more than two cents in the dollar, exclusive of school and
local improvement rates.
:(04». Exception. If the current annual, together with the
interest and principal of the debts ccjiitracted on or before the 29th day of
March, 187'}, would re<|uire more than two cents on the dollar, the Council
may Itivy such further rate as may be necessary to discharge the obliga-
tions incurred up to that time, but they shall not contract any furtlier
debts until the annual rates re(juii;ed to be levied are reduced within
the two-cent rate aforesaid. This docs not a])ply to any .special Act n<»w
or hereafter to be in force.
JMH. How Estimated. In c(junties and local municipalities the rates
are to be calculated at so much in the dollar upon the actual value of the
real and personal property liable to assessment therein.
IJ08. Annual Estimates. The Council shall every year make esti-
mates of the sums nece.s.sary for the lawful purposes of the municipality
for the year, making allowances foi- cost of collection, etc., and may pass
one or more by-laws authorizing the levying and collecting the sums
reipiiied by such annual estimates.
;MM>. In Case of Deficiency. If the amount collected falls short of
the sum reijuired, tlu^ deticiencv may be made up from any unappropriated
fund belonging to the nuniicipality. If theie is no such fund, the esti-
mates ma^' be reduced.
IHO. In Case of Excess of sum collected over the estimates the
balance shall form part of the general fumls, unless otherwise specially
appropriiited. If Uw excess forms part of a stnu collected by special tax
upon any particular locality, then the amount ,so collected shall be ajipro-
priated to the s])ecial lociil object.
lilt. County By-Laws of $20,000. A comity comicil may, during
any term, raise by by-law a sum not exceeding S2(),000, over and above
the sums recjuired for its ordinary expenditure without submitting the
by-law to the electois.
Such by-law nnist be pas.sed at a meeting of the Council specially
called to consider the same, and not less than three months after a copy of
the by-law, an<l the date for the meeting have been published in a news-
paper published weekly, or ofteiier, within the county, or if n(me within
the county, then in a newspaper publishe(| nearest to the county.