Page 45 - index
P. 45
IJJ'J. Bonds of Guarantee Companies may be uccoptcd by the
Council Tor oHieers wlio arc n!(|uii-0Ll to funii.sli socuritios. Whoro other
security has previously buen {fiven, said f^^uai-antoe, bond, or policy tnay be
accnptt'd instead, and the other securities cancelled.
I!>H. Board of Control. In cities liaviii<r a population of 100,000
or ovei there shall be a Hoard of (.'ontrol to consist of the Mayor and
liin • ' men, three of whom shall be a (|Uoruni. The three ald(!rmeii shall
b'' ' J \' the Council at the first inei^tinif of the year.andin caseof failure
to ei tl • first meetini^, tlien within one weel< thei'eafter; they are to bo
elected Ity ballot, and each mend)er of the (ouncil has three votes, but can
Old'' vote once for one candidate.
'] hr ' be paid to members of the Board shall be fletermined
by a l>y-i.i., of i iie Courcil, ami shall not exceeil S7()0 ])er annum. They
hold office for tin: year in which they ai'e elected, but are eli<;ible for re-
A member of the Board may also be a chairman of an}' committee.
The Council, al any time after three days' notice, in writinif, to each
mend)er of the Council, may, by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the
nunnbers of the ('ouncil present and votinjf, i-emove any mcTuber of the
Board of Control except the Mayoi', and api)oint another to till the vacancy.
It must be at a ineetinij specially called foi' the purpose.
I!M>. Duties of the Board 1. 'Jo prepare an estimate of the pro-
posed expenditure of the year, and certify the same to the Council. The
Council niay, by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting,
authorize additional appropriation or expenditui'e.
2. To [iiepare speciHcations for, and award all contracts, calling lor
tenders, etc. ITpon the opening of atiy tender the Chairman or Board shall
require the ])resence of the head of the department or sub-department with
which the tender is connected, ami, if reipiired, the t'ity Solicitor also.
Such head of the department may take part in the discussions concerning
the tenders, but shall not vote.
The t'ouncil cannot, except upon a vote of two-thirds of the members
of the Council present and voting, reverse or vary the action of the Board
in respect to such ti^ider, when the effect of such vote would be to increase
the cost of the work or to award the contract to a diffi'rent tenderer than
the one to whom the Board has awarded it.
.'}. To inspect and report to the (Council monthly, or oftener, upon all
municipal works in progress.
4. To nominate ail heads of departments and sub-<lepartments in case
of vacancies, and to recommend the salaries of the officers and clerks. The
Council, l)y a vote of two-thirds of the memliei's of the Council present and
voting therefor, may appoint such heads of departments i nd assistants
without such nomination, or refer such nonnnation back to the Board for
The following ofhcei's are not to be nominated by the Board :
Any member of tin; Hre department, except the head ; nor any assessor,
except the Assessment Conniiissioner: nor the representative of the Council
on the Board of a harbor trustor a corporation ; nor a member of the Court
of Revision.