Page 46 - index
P. 46
Where lieails of departiiioiitH hail tlie power before the 7th day of
April, 18S»(), to dismiss subordinate oHieers oi' employees, they still retain
such power.
."). To dismiss or suspend any head of a department, and forthwith
report the same to the Council. The Council, only by a two-thirds vote,
may reinstate the party.
(). In the aUseiice of any l)y-law of the ' 'ouneil in the mattei', the Hoard ii
shall control the appointment and duties of all the subordinate officers and
7. Where, in the o[)inion of th(; Ijoard, it is advisabh; to amali^aniate
departments, they may submit by-laws to the Council for the .same.
8. The Council may, by by-law, im])ose other duties on the IJonrd, and
re([uire copies of the minutes (jf the meetin<^s of the Board to be returned
to the Council. One week's notice must Ik; <riven foi' tlu'ir return, or other
information re(|uired.
'llw Coiuicil may also, by a majority vote, refer matters back to
the Board for reconsideration. Im all .such votes taken where the Council
seeks to rev(!rse or set aside tin; acliou of th(! IJoai'd, the yeas and nays shall
be recorded in the Council minutes.
9. The Board may appoint a secretary, who shall keep the minutes,
prepare reports of the Board, and perform such other duties as may be
assii^rned him by the Boai'd, the Ma^'or, or the Council.
•400. School Board Estimates The Boards of the Public,Separate and
t»i> I
Hiirli Schools, Police Commissioners, anil Free ijif)rary of the city, respec-
tively, shall furnish to the Hoai'd of Control, on or before the 1st day of
March in each year, their respective annual estimates.
*iOI. Property Liable to Taxation. All uumicipal taxes shall, where
no other express provision has been made, be levied e(|ually U[)on all the
ratable j)roperty of the nnuiicipality accordin<'' to the assessed value, and
not upon any one or more kinds of property or in different proportions.
*iO*i. Exemptions- I. All property vested in or belon<jin<j to Her
Majesty, also all pro|)erty held for the use of any tribe of Indians, and
either uni)ccu|)ied or occupied Iiy some person ofHcially.
2. Kvery jdace of woiship anil land used in connection therewith,
church yard or buryini^ (ground : but land in which a place of worship is
erected and used in connection therewith, is lial)le to assessment for local
improvements .snme as other lands.
'A. The build ini,fs and ifrount Is attached to a university, college, high
school or other incorporated seminary of learning, not having gain for its
object, whether ve.stetl in a trustee or otherwise, while occupied by such
institution, or if not othei'wise occupied, are exem[)t. The buildings and
grounds attached to a university, college or other seminary of learning, are
liable to assessment for local improvement.