Page 183 - index
P. 183

180                Ml' MCI P.M. LAW.
                           No iinticc is ever ri'imircil to Ik- }ri\x'n in onlcr tu introiliu't' an miiu'M'I-
                        lut'iit,  l)iit  it is siiltjrct to till'  < (rdfis ol' tlic Day, or tlu- ortlt-r of l)ii.siiii's>.
                           Aint!ii<lim'iitn may propose  ;
                           1.  'I'o strike out certain wonls or parts.
                           2.  'I'o strii<e out rei'taiu wonis, in or<ler ttt sulistitute others tlierefui'.
                           '<]. To insei't or a<lil rertain words tliereto.
                           Not nini-e tlian two aniendnients can t)e proposed at the same  tinn- to
                        a (|Ucstion.  That is, tliei'e cannot l)e uioi'e than thi'ee (piestionH before tlie
                        Housi.' at one time— the  orij^inal motion, an amendment, and an amend-
                        ment to tlie amen(hnent  A motion, ho\ve\(;r, foi- a<ljourinnent would  l)e
                        in order.  Jf neither of  tlie amendments suit, and another one  is desii'ed
                        to he introducol, the secoml ami'iidment shouhl lie put to the a.ssemhly and
                        nejrjitivcd, and then introduce the desiicd amendment, as an amendment U>
                        the amendment.
                           An aniemiment once ne<4atived l)y the House cainiof he proposed a;iain.
                        Whatever is a<:;reed to hy the House on a vote, i.'ither adoptin;,' or rejectin;,'
                       a ]iroposed amendment, cainiot he afterwards  altereil or ameiideil.  .\n
                       addition to tlie word.s may,  if proposed at the ])roper time, he made, hut
                        no words can  lie struck out.
                           .No addition can  lie made  t<i (|Uestion after  tlu,' as.sendily has decided
                        hy vote that  the words  ]iroposii| to he left out should staml part of the
                       (|Ue.sti«)n: and. if struck out. they cfinnot he restored.
                           Amendments  that  are merely inconsistent  or incompatihie with  a
                        ijUestio  I that  has already  lieen adopted,  sii.ill  not on  that  account  lie
                       suppressed liy the chair, hut may he rejecied hy the House.
                           14»V Voting on Amendments.  When an amendment  is proposed to
                        a motion the speaker 'ir chairman will  first --late the  oi'i;^in,d motion thus:
                        "Mr. A. moM's. secoiuled by Mr.  H.. that  '  etc.  Theu he  will state the
                        amendment: "To  this.  Mi-.  ('. moves  in amendment, seconded by Mi.]).,
                        that " etc.  The chairman will then put the aim ndment  first to the
                        as follows:  " Is it the pleasure of the House  to adopt the amen<lniciit  '
                        If the jimendment is defeated, the chairman  will then pidpose the main
                        t|Uestion, which may be debated, or ameniled  a;^ain.  Hut  if the House,
                        adopts the amendment the chairman will then  jiropose the main (|Uestion
                        a<,'ain. thus  :  " Is it the ])lea  iire of  tlu' Hoiiw to adopt the main (|Uesti(jn
                        so amemled'''  A member may  then, if he so desires, propose another
                        amendment: "That  tlu' main  i|Uestion  as amendi'd,"  etc..  'be  further
                        aiiiendeil liy," etc.
                           If there is an aiiieiidtnent to the amendment  the chairman will take
                        the sense of the llcjuse on the last amendment  tirst  :  Is it the pleasure of
                        the House to adopt the ameiidmeiit to the amendment'  '  If this seconil
                        amendment is i-ejected. the chaiiiiian will then  propose the i|Uestion:  Is
                        it the jileasure of the House  t.i ado])t  the  iimeniliie nl  to the main (or
                        ori<;inal) (|Uestioii  .'  '  when  it  is  in order  tn move  .iiiother amendment
                        which must diH'er from the one rejecteil.
                           When an amendment to strike out certain Wiirds has been m ;,ati\ I'd,
                        it cannot be ajjuin moved to strike out the same words or  ,i p.ut of them:
                        but it may be iiio\ed to sti'ike out the same words with others, or  r, part
                        of the same words w ith others,  ]iro\ ided the ehanjre  i.s .so substantial as to
                        inuki'  it a ditl'erent jiroposition from the former.
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