Page 218 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 218
Murray, The Rev. James R., Pakenham, Ont.
Murray, Mrs. Siella, Renfrew, Ont.
National Deience Librar ian, Royal Military College of Canada, King-
ston, Ont.
Nearing, The Rev. P. J., Retreat House, Little Bras D'Or, N.S.
Neish, William, P.O. Box 2722, Place d'Armes, Montreal, P.Q.
NeUigan, The Most Rev. C. L., D.D., Asjurnption College, Windsor, Ont.
NelIigan, Rev. Francis J., S.J., 403 Wellington St. W., Toronto, Ont.
Nethertoii, Dr. W. J., 657 Winnipeg St., Penticton, B.C.
Neville, Tlie Rev. James B., 1138 Argyle Rd., Windsor, Ont.
Nevin, H. J., 4043 Melrose Ave., Montreal, P.Q.
Newman Ilall, 11 149 - 91st Ave., Edmontcin, Al ta.
Nicholson. The Rt. Rev. P. J., D.P., Ph.D., L.L.D.. SI. Joseph's Church,
Sydney, N.S.
Norris, J. B., 718 Water St., St. John's, Nfld.
Notre Danle Academy, Charlotletown, P.E.I.
Notre Damc College, 172 Elgin St., Oitawa, Ont.
Notre Dame, University of, Notre Daine, Ind., U.S.A.
Notre Damc des Midons, Tlie Rev. Sisrers ofl St. Michael's Academy,
110 Victoria Ave., Rrandon, Man.
O:Boyle, Rlisg Lotiie, 260 Laurier Avc. E., Ottawa, Ont.
O'Brien, The Rt. Rcv. J. Arthur, 714 King St. W.. Hamilton. Ont.
O'Brien. John. Oifice uI the Ambaslador for Ireland, 14û Wellingtun St.,
Ottawa, Ont.
O'Brien, John L., 507 Plaœ d'Armes, Montreal, P.Q.
O'Brien, The Rev. J. T., O.M.I., St. Mary's, Mission City, B.C.
O'Brien, hiiss Sala, 4280 Western Ave., Westinount, P.Q.
O'Brien, W. G., 1559 Cote Gignac, Sillery, Quebw, Quebec.
O'Byrne, The Rev. Patrick B., Box 171, Claresholin, Alta.
O'Connell. H. J., 2301 Hill Park Circle, Montreal, P.Q.
O'Connell, The Rev. Michael, 740 View St., Victoria, B.C.
O'Connor, J. Brendan, 962 Lansdowne Ave., Westinonnt, Quebec.
O'Donnell, Miss Anne, 3556 Pradhoinme Ave., Montreal, P.Q.
O'Donnell, The Rev. E. A., St. Joseph's Rwtory, Chatham, Ont.
O'Donnell, Hugh E., Q.C., 507 Place d'Armes, MontreaI, P.Q.
O'Donnell, J. R., 257 Royl~ton Ave., Daytona Beach, Fla., U.S.A.
O'Donnell, The Rev. M., S.J., St. Mary's University, Halifax, N.S.
O'Donoghue, D. J., 9 MacdunaId Ave.. hlimico. Ont,
O'Donoghue, H. D., 83 Dunn Ave.: Toronto, Ont.
O'Galla~hcr, D. I., 3077 St. Louis Rd., R.R. 1, Sillery, P.Q.
O'Grady, The Most Rev. Fesgus, Prince Rupert, B.C.
O'Hagan, J. P., 1222 Nanton Ave., Vnncouver, B.C.