Page 215 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 215
McElligott, The Rev, J. R., St. Alexander's Pariah, R.R 1, Chalk River,
Wylie, Ont.
McEvoy, Mra. E. T., Violet St., Britannia Bay, Ont.
McEvoy, J. B., Q.C., P.O. Box 373, St. John's, Nfld.
McGee, The Very Rev. George K., S.P.M., 11 De Sales Place, Brooklyn
7, N.Y., U.S.A.
McGill University, Redparh Library, 3459 McTavish St., Moiitreal, P.Q.
McGivern, The Aev. J. S., S.J., M.B.E., Campirin College, Regina, Sask
McGovern, Dr. James J., MO5 Dorcheeter St. W., Westrnouni, P.Q.
McGnigan, His Eminenee James C., Cardinal. D.D,, Archbishop of
Toronto, 200 Church Si., Toronto, Ont.
hIcGiiiEan, The Hev. Waltcr J., M.A., St. Diinstan's College, Charlotte-
towii, P.E.I.
McGuire, Senator the Hon. W. H., Q.C., 1315-20 hforirreai Trust Bldg.,
Toronto, Ont.
McCuire. Mrs. W. H., Wexlord, Ont.
Mclnerney, The Rev, Owen J., 327 - 4th St., Brandon, Man.
Rlclsaac, Donald A., 1 Dalton Crescent, Orillia, Ont.
MeKay, hIiw 1. F., 164 Waverly St., Oiiawn, Ont.
McKenna, E. Philip, 4508 Cote des Neiges Rd., hlontreal, P.Q.
Mekenna, Harry W., 23 harmonth Ave., Quebec. P.Q.
McKenna, Joseph, Q.C., 308 Royal Trust Bldg., Victoria, B.C.
McKenzie, The Rt. Rev. W. B., D.P., 839 Sutherland Ave., Kelowna, B.C.
McManamy, Emmelt, 31 Decasmn Road, Westniount, Quebec.
McManua, Capt. E. E., M.C., 1045 Dorchester Ave., Wiiinipeg, Man.
McManus, F. A. Herbert: 157 Paradise Row, Saint John, N.B.
McNai~iara, The Rev. M. S.. Barry's Bay, Ont.
McNeil, The Rev. John. O.M.I., 2015 West Eightb Ave., Vancouver 9,
McPherson, R. A., Wawota, Saek.
McQuillen, The Rev. A. E., 3 Lyman St., St. Catharines, Ont.
MrRoberts, Rev. David, St. Peler's Seminary, Cardross, Scotland.
M. Audrey, The Aev. Sister, St. Patrjek's High School, Sarnia, Ont.
M. Dorothea, The Rev. Motlier, St. Aiiii's Academy, Victoria, B.C.
M. Ligiiori, The Rcv. Sieter, RI.A., St. Patrick's Conveiit, 307 Brunswick
Si., Halifax, N.S.
MacDona id, The Rev. A. D., 10M - 113th St., Edmonton, Alta.
hlacDoiiald, Tlie Rev. Angns, Rextou, N.B.
MacDonald, The Rev. Charicd W., St. Fraiieis Xavier University, Anti-
goiiish, N.S.
MacDonell, The Rev. Maleoh, M.A., Si. Francia Xavier Uliiverai~,
Antigonish, N.S.
MacDonald, Mi- Ethd, 1801 - 2nd St. West, Calgary, Alta.