Page 221 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 221

St. Mary's  Academy,  Cresceiitwood,  Winnipeg, hlaii.
                              St. Michael's  Academy, Brandon,  Man.
                              Si. Micheel's  ColleF  Library, Bay  and St.  Joseph  Sts., Toronto 5, Ont.
                              St. Paul's  College,  College Place,  Winnipe~, Man.
                              St.  Peter's  Couvent,  c/o  Sjster James Franeis,  South  Igonish,  N.S.
                              Saint Rose Chapter, C.Y.O.,  c/o  Rev.  W.  J.  Osborne, Lancaster, N.B.
                              St. Rose  Church Library. e/o  The Rev. W.  J. Osborne,  Lancaster, N.B.
                              Si.  Theresa's  AcademY, The  Rev.  Sister  Superior,  Medicine  Hat,  Alta.
                              St. Thomas ColIege, Chathain.  N.R.
                              St.  Veronica,  The  Rev.  Sister,  Mount  St.  Bernard  College,  hitigoniah,
                              Salzmanii Library, St. Francis Seminary, 3257 S. Lake Drive, Milwaukee,
                                  Wis.,  U.S.A.
                              Santha, Very Rev. P., D.D.,  Stockholin, Saskatchewan.
                              Sehachtel, The Rev.  G. J.,  2049 Scorth St., Regina, Sask.
                              Schaehtel, The  Vety  Rev. F. J..  St.  Paul's  Parish,  Vibank, Sask.
                              Schlingerman, F., 380 Wellington  Crescent,  Wiiinipeg, Manitoba.
                              Sehlingerman,  R.  P.,  233  Uromore Ave.,  Winnipeg,  Man.
                              Schnider, The Hev.  J. RI., Killaloe,  Ont.
                              Scollard, The  Rev.  R. J.,  C.S.B., Sr.  Basil's  Seniinary, 95  St. Joseph  St.,
                                  Toronto 5,  Ont.
                              Seng, Magnus I.,,  Suite 615,  1538 Sherbrooke St., Moiitreal,  P.Q.
                              Shaw. James G.,  Bradfcird, P.Q.
                              Shea, E. H.,  5579 Woodbnry Ave.,  Montreal,  P.Q.
                              Shea, George A.,  71  Wolseley Avenue,  Moutreal  West, Quebec.
                              Shea, Maurice  P.,  376  Redfern Ave.,  Apt.  16, Westinount,  Quebec.
                              Shea, William  J.,  Ph.D., 21 Richniond  St..  Saint John, N.B.
                              Shea, William J.,  332 Wellington  Heights, Sudbury, Ont.
                              Sheehan,  The Rev.  M.,  C. S.B.,  liedieval  Institute.  St. Michael's  College,
                                  Toronto 5, Ont.
                              Shelly, John J.,  C.A.,  246 Spence St., Winnipep, hlan.
                              Sherwood, Coliii,  131 Connors St., Laneasfer, N.B.
                              Shook,  Thc  Very  Rev.  L.  K.,  C.S.B.,  Ph.D.,  Su~eriur, St.  Michael'e
                                  Colleee,  Toroiitu,  Ont.
                              Shnlist.  Rev.  S ylvesler, Box 20.  Pembroke, Ont.
                              Siegfried,  Rev.  C.  L., C.R.,  M.%.,  St.  Jerome's  College, Kingdale, Kit-
                                  chener,  Ont.
                              Sister,  of  St. hlartha, Mother  House  (Bethany ),  Antigonish, N.S.
                              Sistera  cif  Serviee, The Rev.,  62 Hargrave St.,  Winnipeg, Man.
                              Skinner, Miss hl.  E.,  9 Dartmouth  Place,  St. J ohn's,  Newfoiindland.
                              Slattery, Timothy  P.,  Q.C.,  201  Notre  Dame  St.  W.,  Montreal,  P.Q.
                              Smith, J.  J., B.A.,  M.B.E..  2224 31éIntyre St.,  Regina,  Sask.
                              Smith,  (Peniberlrin)  Lucille,  418  Clareiiiont  hve.,  Westmount,  Que,
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