Page 219 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 219
O'Halloran, The Hon. Mr. Justice C. H,, M.A.. W9 Beach Drive, Victoria.
O'Hara, 5. J., 349 Third Ave., Ottawa, Ont.
O'Hara, J. Martin, 2280 Oxford Ave., hlontreal 38, Qucbec.
O'Hara, hl. A., Sie. 4 -- 812 Groavenor Ave., Winnipeg ri, Man,
O'Keefe, Mrs. Hugh, 3 Dufferin St., Campbell~on, N.B.
O'Manique, Joseph, 275 h5ary St., Pembrtike, Ont.
O'Neill, 3Ir~. Frank, 110 Cambridge St., Halifax, N.S.
O'Neill, The Most Rev. J. FVI., D.D., Bishop nf Harbour Grme, Harbour
Grace, NBd.
O'Neill, The Jlost Rev. AI. C., D.D., L.L.D., Archhishop oE Regina, 2107
Gainer St.? Regina, Sssk.
O'Neill, Fatrick J., 8007 Querbes Ave., Montreal 15, Quebec.
O'Reill),, The Rev. J. A., J.C.D., 20 Noriolk Ave., Guelphih: Ont.
Osborne, A. M., M.A., Bon 32, Lancaster. N.B.
Oshorne, 3iiss A. Veronicn, Box 52, Milltown, N.B.
Osborne. H. 3.. 134 Adelaide St., Saint John, N.B.
Osborne, The Rev. W. J., Ph.D., St. Rose Chnrch. Lancasler, N.B.
Ostrnwski, The Rev. L. C.. St. Staiiislau~ Church, Ituna, Sask.
O'Su!livari, The hlost Rev. J. A.: D.D., Archbishop of Kingston, 279
Johnson St., Kingston, Ont.
O'Sullivan, 3. F., B.C.L., M.A., 403 Percy SI., Brandori, Mari.
O'Sullivari, The Rev. Joseph, 3% Rogers St., Peiertiorough, Ont.
Our Ladv of Fatirna Cotivent, e/ii Sisier Rose h,liriani, Heatherton. N.S.
Overend, Harold J., 24 Peter St. S., Orillia, Oiit.
Owens, The Rev. S. P., Bishup's House, Penibroke, Ont.
Pallotine Fa~hers, The Rei-., P.O. Riix 28, Swan River, Man.
Parke, George Maedonald, 14-2 Inplewoiid Drive, Tortinto, Ont.
Parke, hliss Mary wj-nne, 242 Inglewood Drire, Toron ta, Ont.
Paxtou, J. F., 98 Kensingtori Ave.. HamiIlon, Ont.
Phelan, Miss Joaephine, TO iYmlnisley Blvd., Toronto, Ont.
Phelan, T. N., Q.C., 300 Ruesell Hill Rd., Toronto, Ont.
Placidia, The nev. Sisier M,. Sacred Heart Convent, London, Ont,
Pocotk, The hiost Rev. P. F., D.D., Archtiishop of Winnipeg, 353 SI.
hlary's Ave., Winnipeg, Mail.
PoWer, Dr. R. hl. H., 1610 Sherbrooke SI. W., Montreal, P.Q.
Piiwer Williani G., B.A., B.C.L., 1U3 Uniori Çt., Saint John, N.B.
Priester, Rev. V. A., St. hlichael's Cullege, Toronto, Ont.
Queeii's Universitj- Library, c/o The Lilirarian, Kingtou, Ont.
Quinlan, hlauricc, 1 Cenipbell Ave., St. John's, NBd.
Quinn. R. F,, 159 Craig St. W., Montreal, P.O.
Raftis, Rev. J. A., C.S.B., Ph.T).. Inskitute of Medieval Studiee, St.
Michael's Collge, Toronto 5, Ont.