Page 222 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 222
Smith, The Rev. J. R., 153 Woodroffe Ave.. Ottawa 3, Ont.
Smith, The Most Rev. W. J., D.D., D.C.L., Bishop of Pembroke, 247
Victoria St., Pembroke, Ont.
Smyth, T. Taggart, 262 SI. Jernes St. W., Montreal, P.Q.
Somera, The Very Rev. R. J., Ph.D., St. Francis Xavier Uiiiversiiy, hiti-
gonish, N.S.
Somerville, Miss Anne, 24 Hjllcrest Ave., Belleville, Ont.
Spellipcy, R. G., 584 Waverley St., Wiiinipeg, Man.
St. Mars, Joseph, 407 Caiiada Bldg., Winnipeg, Xan.
Stack. L. K., 609 Sihon Blvd., Calgary, Alta.
Stefaiii, Joseph M., R.R. No. 1, Windsor, Ont.
Stewart, Mis9 hlay A., 5837 Chanranald Ave., Montreal, P.Q.
Stone, Miss Muriel H., St. Lawrence Rectory, Dutch Village Rond, Hali-
fax, N.S.
Sullivan, Arthur, Q.C., 2û8 Harvard Ave., Winnipeg, Man.
Sullivan, The Rev. B. F.: C.S.B., SI. Miehael's College, Toronto 5, Ont.
Sullivan, The Rev. C. W., 21 John St., Brampton, Ont.
Sullivan, The Rev. John, Calabogie, Ont.
Snllivan, The Rev. William, St. Agnes Chnreh, St. John's East, Nfld.
Swalwell, George A., 84 Jaekson Ave., Toronto, Ont.
Swan, C. M. J. F., Ph.D., Department of History, Assurnption University
of Windsor, Windsor, Ont.
Sweene!, M. Leo, 49 Smythe St.. Vanconver, B.C.
Tait, 'l'Re Rev. T. P., Bruson, P.Q.
Tansey, Mise Sara, 3001 Kent Ave., Cote des Neiges, Montreal, P.Q.
Taraska, Peler, 322 MeAdam Avenne. Winnipeg, Man.
Thompson, Miss Priscilla, Box 237, Uhridge, Ont.
Tjnele", Charles, B.C.L., 29 Lansdowne SI., Carnpbellton, N.B.
Tonkin, F. J., 103 Princes6 Si.. Winnipeg, Man.
Toronto Public Library, 214 College St., Toronto, Ont.
Toronto, University of, The Library, Toronto, Ont.
Troinor, Dr. O. C., M.F., 676 Wellington Crescent. Winnipeg, Man.
Trepanier, John C., 148 Dalhoiisie St., Brantford, Ont.
Tritsehler, G. E,, Q.C.. O.B.E., Law Con*% Winnipeg, Man.
Tyrrell, Miss Marion A., 34 Prinee Arthur Ave., Toronto: Ont.
Uycn, The Rev. John, Chureh of St. John de Breheuf and Companiona,
Delhi, Ont.
Vallee, F. G., Ph.D., Box 278, R.H. 1, Westbo~o, Ont.
Van Tigben, John V., 315 Sharon Ave.. Calgary, Alta.
Very Rev. Fr. Provincial, S.]., 2 Dale Ave., Toronto, Ont.
Villa Angela, The Rev. Sieter Superior, 717 Royal Ave., Calgary, hlta.
Vjncmlia, Rev. Sister M., C.S. J., Mount Si. JoPc~~, Peterborough, Ont.