Page 213 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 213

Keo~h, George, Q.C.,  1301 Northern Ontario Bldg., 320 Bay St., Toronto,
                              Kertin,  Hug h F., 733a  Outremont  Avenue, Outremont,  Quebec.
                              Kerwin, John Larkin,  2166 Bourbonniete Park, Sillery, P.Q.
                              Keyserlingk, Robert  H..  Cloverhill  Hall,  St.  mie ha el'^  College,  Toronto,
                              Keyserliiigk,  R.  W.,  47 Ballentyne  Ave.  N.,  Montreal  West, P.Q.
                              Kinderwater,  The Rev.  C.,  9916 - 110th St.,  Edmonton,  Altn.
                              King, Mr. Justiee J. Maurice,  Osgoode Hall,  Toronto,  Ont.
                              Kinliii, J. F., 389 Queeiis Ave.,  London.  Ont.
                              Kinliii, The Rev. Peter,  2107 Carnet  St., Regina,  Sesk.
                              Kjrby, Dr. O.  E., 925 West GeorRia Si.,  Veneouver,  B.C.
                              Knights  of  Columbus,  Brandon  Couneil,  1435:  250 - 4th  St..  Breiidon,
                              Knights of  Columbus, Bishop MacEaeherii Assembly, 4th  Degree, Kiiights
                                   of  Columbiis Home,  312 Fikroy St., Charlottetuwn,  P.E.1.
                              Knights  of  Columbus,  Genoa  Asseiiibly,  e/o  Mr.  Edward  J.  Buckley,
                                   82   Station Street,  Belleville, Ont.
                              Knig-hts of  Columbus, Guelph  Couiicit,  No.  1507, 6  Dublin  St.,  Guelph,
                              Knighls 01 Columbus, $411  Cote d~  Neigcs  Rd.,  Montreal  26,  P.Q.
                               Knights  01  Columbus,  Dollard  Assembly,  8674  St.  Denis  St.,  Montreel
                               Knights uf Columbus, Orillia  Council,  NO. 1428, 34  Pcter St.  S.,  Orillia,
                               Knigh~e of  Colnmbus,  193 y2 Queen St.,  Sarnia, Ont.
                               Knights  of  Columbus,  Sudbury  Council,  No.  1387, 156 Cedar  St.,  Siid-
                                   bury, Ont.
                               Knights  of  Columbus,  Toronto  Council,  No.  1388,  582  Shetbourne St.,
                                   Toroiito, Ont.
                               Kulcsar,  The Rev, A.  A.,  Kaposvnr Parish,  Esterhazy,  Sask.
                               Laderoute, F.  X.,  292 Laurier Ave.  W.,  Onawe, Ont.
                               Lajeuriesse, Rev.  E.  J.,  C.S.B.,  Assurnption  College,  Wiiidsor,  Ont.
                               Lapointe, The Rev. E. J.,  375 Kitchener Ave.,  Westmount  6, P.Q.
                               Lapres, J. A.,  120 Ballnntyne Ave.  N.,  Montreal West,  P.Q.
                               Letchford, Mrs.  F. R.,  186 St. Clair Ave.  E.,  Toroiito, Ont.
                               Lawrence Mary. Sister, S.C.H.,  St. Patrick's  Conveni, 307  Bmnswick St.,
                                   HaliTaw, N.S.
                               Leaver, The Rev.  Igiiatina, Box 315, Cardston, Alte.
                               Lebel, The Ver)  Rev. E. C..  Snperjor, Asenmption  College, Windsor, Ont.
                               LeBlanc, Joscph, Box 402,  Inverness,  N.S.
                               Lcddy,  1.  F.,  M.A.,  B.Litt.,  D.Phil.,  Dean  of  the  College  01  Arts  end
                                   Science, Uiiiversiiy  of  Saskatchewan, Saskatoon,  Sask.
                               Le, James F.,  W6 Summit Ave., Seattle 4,  Wash.,  U.S.A.
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