Page 12 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 12

                                    Wisconsin,  and may take proper steps  to promote the  sttldy of
                                   history  by  lectures,  and  to  publish  and  diffuse  information
                                    relative to the description and history of  the State.
                                      ART. 11.-This  Society shall consist of  Active,  Life,  Hono-
                                    rary and Corresponding members;  which  classes may be chosen
                                    at  the  annual  or  special  meetings of  the  Society,  or  st  the
                                    sessions of  the  Executive  Committee;  the Active  members to
                                    consist of  citizens  of  the  State, by the payment of  two  dollars
                                    annually;  the  Life  members,  by  the payment,  at  one  time,  of
                                    twenty  dollars;  the Honorary and Corresponding members,  who
                                    shall  be  exempt  from  fee  or  taxation,  shall  be  chosen  from
                                    persons, in every  part of  tlle world, distinguished  for their lite-
                                    rary or  scientific attainments,  and known  especially as friends
                                    and promoters  of  American history.
                                      ART. 111.-The   officers  of  the  Sociely  &all  be chosen by
                                    ballot at  the annual meetings,  and shall corlsist of  a President,
                                    a Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a, Treasurer,
                                    a Librarian,  who, togcthcr  with six  Vicc  Presidents, not resi-
                                    dents of  Madison,  and  eighteen Curators, shall constitute  the
                                    Exccutive  Commiltec.   All  said  o6ccrs  shall  hold  offico  for
                                    one  year,  and  until  theil.  succcssors  bc  chosen,  cxcept  such
                                    as may liave bccn  absent from  four  successive regular  mectings
                                    of  the  Executivc  Comrnittcc,  unlcss  cletaincd  by  sickness  or
                                    absence from  Msdison,  who  ]nay Le  deenled  to have  forfeited
                                    their respective offices;  and shall, if so decli~red, bc ineligible to
                                    ofice the year next ensiling.
                                      And  in  addition  Lo  th~sc elective  oiIiocrs,  all  donations  of
                                    property by citizerls of  Wisconsin, if  :~cccbpted by  the Excc~ltivc
                                    Committee, to the amount or value of  five hundretl tlollare,  ahall
                                    constitute  such  tlonors  LIYE DI~LBCTORS  the  Socicty, and
                                    co~lsequently merubcrs of  the Executive Comrnittce during their
                                    natural lives;  but  such  Life  Directors  shall  never  exceed  in
                                    number  the regularly elected mcnibe~s of  the Exccutive Commit-
                                     tee,  and all uloneys  from  Life Directorships,  or  from beqncsts,
                                     unless specifically directed by  sucli Life Directors or dovisors to
                                     be invested to the best advantage, and the accruing intercst only
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