Page 9 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 9


                                       CHARTER OF THE SOCIETY,

                                 An Aot  t-,o  inoorporate the  State  I-Iistor-iosl Sooiety  of
                                                   CIIAPTEU  17, LAWS OP 1864.
                                   SECTION That  Leonard  J.  Farwell,  Mason  C.  Darling,
                                 Wm.  R.  Smith, Chtrles Lord, I. A. Lapham, Wm. H. Watson,
                                 Cyrus  Woodman,  James .D.  Doty, Morgan L.  Martin, Lyman
                                 C.  Draper,  Samuel AiIarshall, John W. Hunt, Albert C.  Ingham
                                 and 0. M. Conover, and their present and future associates, and
                                 their successors, be and they are hereby constituted and created
                                 a body politic and corporate, by the name of  "TEE  STATE HIS-
                                 TORICAL SOCIETY OF  WISCONSIN,'' and by that name shall have
                                 perpetual succession with  all  thc  C~culties and  liabilities of  a
                                 corporation;  may sue and  be  sucd, implead  and be impleaded,
                                  defend and  be  defended  in  a11  courts  and  places;  and for the
                                 purposes of its institution, may do all such acts n.s are performed
                                 by natural y ersons .

                                    SEC. 2.  Thc object of  the Society shall bc Lo  collcct, embody,
                                 arrange  and  preserve,  in  authentic  form, a  library  of  books,.
                                 pamphlets, maps,  chartrls,  manuscripts,  papers, paintings,  statu-
                                 ary, and other materials illustrative of  thc history of  the Stnte;:
                                 to rescue from oblivion the memory of  its early pioneers,  and to,
                                 obtain and preserve narratives of  their exploits, perils,  and hardy
                                 adventures;  to exhibit faithfully the antiquitics, and the past and
                                 present  condition, and  resources  of  TVisconsin;  and  may take
                                 propei steps to promote thc study of  history by lectures, and to
                                  diffuse and  publish  information  relating to the description and
                                 hitory of  the Statc.
                                    SEC. 3.  Said Society  lusy have  and  use, and  at  discretioni
                                 ehange, a common seal;  inay ordain and enforcc a Constitution,
                                 by-laws, rules and regulations, and elect such officers as the Con--
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