Page 8 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 8
1 Manuscript statements and narratives of pioneer sr3:t:rrs-(lid letlers and journals relative to
the early history and settlement of Wisconsin, and of the Black IIawk War ; biographica
notices of our pioneers, and of eminent citizens, deceased ; and facts illustrative of our In-
dian tribes, their I~istory, characteristics, sketches of their prominent chiefa, orators and
warriors, together wit11 contributions of Inilian implerner~ts, dress, ornaments and curiosities.
2. Files of nervspapers, hooks, pampl~lets, college catalogues ; minutes of ecclesiastical conven-
tions, collferences and synods, and other puhlicntior~s relating to this Stntc, or Michigan Ter-
ritory, of which Wisconsin formcd a part from 1818 to 1835-and hence the Territorial Laws
and Journals, a~rd files Of Jlichigan newspapers for thnt period, we are peculiarly anxious to
3. Drawings and descriptions of our ancient mounds and forlifications, their size, representation
and locality.
4. Information respecting any ancient cuins, or other curiosities fuutlil in Wisconsin. The contri-
bution of such articles to the C~tbinet of the Society is respectfully solicited.
5. Indian geogrnlrhical names of streams and locnlities in this State, wit11 their significations.
.6. Books of all kinds, and especially sucll as relate to American history, Lravels and biography
in general, and tlie West in particnlar, family genealogies, old magazines, pamphlets, flles of
newspapers, maps, historical manuscripts, autographsot distinguisl~ed persons, coins, medals,
paintings, portraits, ststuary and engravings.
7. We solicit from Historical Societies and other lear~~ed bodies, that interchange of books and
other materials by which the usefulness of illatitutions of this nature is so essentially en-
hanced-pledging onrselves to repay such contributions by acts in kind to the full extent of
our ability.
The Society particularly begs the favor and Compliment of authors and publishers, to present,
with their autographs, colries of respective works for its Library.
29, Editors and publishers of new3papers, magazines and reviews, will confer a lasting favor on
the Society by contributing their publications regularly for its Library. or, at least, such num,
bers as may co~~tain articles bearing upon Wisconsin history, biography, geography, or an.
tiquities ; all which will be carefully preserved for binding.
Packages for the Soelety may be sent to, or deposited with, the following gontlemen, who have
kindly consented to take charge of them. Such parcels, to prevent mistakes, should be properly
enveloped aod addressed, even if but a single a~ticle and lt would, furthermore, be desirable,
that donors should forward to tht' Corresponding Secretary a specification of hooks or articles
donated and deposited.
a. & J. A. RENISEN, at J. B. Lippincott & Co.'s, Philadelphia.
SAMUEL O. DRAKE, Antiquarian Book Store, Boston.
CTIARLES B. NORTON, Appleton's Building, New York.
JOEL MUNSELL. Publisher, 78 State Street, Albany.
I. A. LAPIIASI, Milwaukee.