Page 11 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 11


                                 STATE  AISTORIGAL  SOCIETY  OP  WISCONS16.

                                    THE first  Constitution  of  the  Society  was  adopted  at  its
                                  organization,  January  30th,  1849;  a  ncm one was substituted
                                 at  the  re-organization  of  the  Society,  under  the  Charter,
                                  January  18th, 1854,  and  several  amendments  have, from  time
                                  to timc, been since adopted.
                                    On the 4th of  August, 1857, Messrs. Judge  Atwood, Ilsley,
                                  Drapcr,  Durrie,  and  Benedict, wore  appointed a  committee to
                                  examine the Constitution of  the Society, and the several amend-
                                  ments  thereto,  consolidate  them,  and  make  report  of  other
                                  needed  amendments,  and  submit  the  whole  to  the  Executivc
                                  Committee  for  their  approval  or  revision,  in  order  to  suhmit
                                  it to the  annual  meeting  of  the Society,  and have it published
                                  in thc next  volume  of  Collections.  This  committee,  through
                                  Mr.  Draper, reported on the 8th of  September following,  which
                                  report mas  approved  by the Executivc  Comnlittec;  and after a
                                  few  slight  amenclnients,  was  adopted  by  thc  Society,  at  its
                                  annual meeting,  January 1, 1358, as follows:
                                    ARTICLE I.-This   Association  shall  Be  styled  6'T~~~ STATE
                                  RISTOEIC~~L SOCIETY OF  WISCONSIN."  The  object  of  the
                                  Society  shall  be  to  collcct,  en~body, arrange,  and  preserve,  a
                                  library of  books, pamphlets, maps, charls, ~uanuscripts, papers,
                                  paintings,  statuary,  and  other  matcrials  illustrat,ive  of  the
                                  history of  the State;  to rescuc from oblivion  the mcrnory of  its
                                  early pioneers,  and to  obtain  and preserve  11,zrratives of  their
                                  exploits,  pcrils ancl hardy  adventures;  to exhibit faithfully  the
                                  antiquities, and the past and  present condition and resources of
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