Page 242 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 242

Hrtnberk - A gannent of  mail which  Cretan  helmets  of  various  shapes.
                               fitted  over  the  whole  body  and  sizes  and  patterns,  first  constructed
                               which  was  generally  made  in  one  of  padded  leather  and  then  of
                               piece with the mail coif  or hood.
                                                                bronze.  followed  by  the  famous
                                                                Attic Helmet,  into the Norman  era
                               Haute  Piece  - By  1430  the  inner  when either a conical  or flat topped
                               edges  of  the  pauldron  had  been  helmet was combined  with  the  mail
                               turned  up  as  a  fom of  protection  coi£  and  ventail,  to  the  various
                               for the neck. A  few years later these  types  of  metal helmet  including  the
                                                                bascinet,  the  snout  type,  the  great
                               were attached to the guard braces.
                                                                bascinet,  tlie  barbet  armet,  sallet.
                                                                morion and burgonet.
                                                                Hindtasse  - Worn  on  the  opposite
                                                                side of  the leg to the foretasse (q.v.).
                                                                Hood  of  Mail  - The mail  coif.
                                                                Hopütai  - Part  of  the  Athenean
                                                                army consisting of  free citizens who
                                                                formed  the  main  phalanx  of  the
                                                                heavy  infantry  of  the  early  Greek
                                         Haute  Pieces
                                                                Horse  Amour - The  first  attenipl
                                                                at  horse  armour  consisted  of  the
                               Heater  Shield - The  type  of  shield  mail  barding  used  by  the  Roman
                               that  succeeded  the  kite  shaped  catafractus  in  the 4th  century. This
                               variety used by the Normans. It was  was  not  successful  and  was  dis-
                               rather  sirndar  to  the  bottom  of  a  carded.  The  next  attempt  in  the
                               flat iron but shaped  to the body.
                                                                early 14th century consisted of metal
                                                                plates  over  the  head,  neck,  chest
                              Heanme - The continental name for  and  fianks.  These  included  the
                               a  helmet.
                                                                clianfron,  crinet,  pey tral,  crupper
                                                                and  flanchard  which  were generally
                               Heh - The  particular  pattern  of
                                                                used in conjunction with  the capari-
                               helmet  used  in  a  tournament. This  son  or  trapper  as  it was  sometimes
                               had  a jurting  lower half  of  tlie part  called.  Later  on, much  of  this  was
                               covering  the  face  wliich  slightly  discarded  but  the  neck  plates  and
                               overlapped  the upper hale and there  chanfron  were  retained  for  another
                               were  narrow  slits  for  vision.  It  century or two.
                               appears  almost  impossible  to  have
                               been  able  to see out of  a helm  but,  Hosting  Harness  -  In  this  sense
                               providing the shoulders are hunched  hosting  means  ' Batde ',  therefore
                               and  the  head  slightly  bent  fonvard  the  expression  refcrs  to  battle
                               as  though  charging  with  a  lance,  armour.
                               visibility  is  comparatively good.
                               Hehet - A general term embracing
                               al1 the various  types of  head  cover-
                               ing  frorn  the  earlier  Greek  and
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