Page 237 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 237

Faulds (front and  back  view)
                              Fendng - In early days fencing was  a number of  fencing academies were
                              a  means  of  practising  sword  play  in exis.tence to teach swordsmanship.
                              amongst  the  knights  and  esquires.
                                                                 Fencing  is  still  practised  in  the
                              As  time progressed, however, it was  Olympic Games.
                              used  as a method  of  setiling private
                              grievances  between  two  people  and  Field Amour - A specially srrongly
                              then  came to be  known  as duelling.  constructed
                              Various  weapons  have  been  used  designed  for  use  on  the  battlefield.
                              for  duelling  the  most  popular  of  It was generally devoid of a decora-
                              which  was  undoubtedly  the  rapier.  tion  which  was  reserved  for  parade
                                Though  duelling  was always  an  armour.
                              indictable offence in  England it was
                              quite cornmon during the  18th cen-  Fioger Rings  - An  addition  added
                              tury  and  until  a cornparatively  late  to  the  rapier  to  strengthen  one's
                              age, swordsmanship was a prerequi-  control  of  the  weapon.  Introduced
                              site of  a gentleman and consequently  circa  1600.
                                             mlnpsl n:nps  a  caun hi\ guead
                              Flail - One of  the  crueller  weapons  Fiancbard  -  Flank  protection  for
                              of  the  Middle  Ages.  It  was  some-  the horse.
                              what similar to the hinged  Bail  used
                              by  country  men for  thrasliing  corn  Flat  Topped  Hehet  - Introduced
                              but  with  the  shorter  am  having  by  the  Normans  early  in  the  13th
                              instead  a  chain  with  a  spiked  bail  century.  It  was  generally  used  in
                              on the end. The slang name for the  conjunction  with  the  mail  coif  and
                              Rail  amongst the soldiers of  the time  ventail.
                              was the 'Holy Water Sprinkler '.
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