Page 243 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 243

used  for  the  tournament  was  the
                                                               great  bascinet.  Other  types  were
                                                               also used  but in general  the protec-
                                                               tion  ai3orded  by  the  jousting  helm
                                                               was  greater  than  that  in  the  more
                                                               ordinary  types.
                              Infantry - A  general  term  referring
                              to  foot soldiers.
                              Jack  - A  rough  canvas  garment
                              wilh  plates  of  metal  or horn  sand-
                              wiched  between  layers  of  material
                              and  stitched  in.  Worn  particularly
                                                                         Jousting Helm
                              hy  infantrymen.
                              Jaserenc  - A  very  carly  name  for  Jonsting Saddle - This was made to
                              the  mail  hauberk.
                                                               the pomme1 was raised considerably,
                              Javelin  - Derived  from  the  lance.  with the object of  covering the lower
                                                               abdomen  and  affording  additional
                              The javelin was a very IigIit  type  of
                              spear designed to be thrown  from a  thigh  protection  for  the rider.
                              fairly  considerable  distance.  Ifs
                              point  was  barbed  thus  rendering  it  Jupon  - An  alternative  name  for
                                                               the  surcoat  when  reduced  in  sue to
                              more  deadly.
                                                               thigh  length.
                              Jousling Amour - The tournament
                              was  always  looked  upon  as a  great   a  particular  pattern.  The  front  of
                              cerernonial  occasion  and  for  that
                              reason  jousting  armour  was  con-
                              siderably  more  decorative  thm
                              battle  armour.  Furtliermore,  it  was
                              greatly reinforced  and specific items
                              such  as  the  stop  ribs  were  intro-
                              duced  specifically  For  jousting.  It  Kettle Hat - A type of  helmet  used
                              should  be  remernbered  that knights  principally  by  foot  soldiers.  It
                              spent far more tirne in jousting  than  resembled the British steel helmet of
                              in  battle.  hedce  the  importance  of  the  kst  World  War  with  padded
                              special  armour  to  avoid  accidents.  lining  and  a  chin  strap.
                              Jousting  Heh - A  poppular  helm  Kidney  Dagger - A  kind of  dagger
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