Page 240 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 240

torians  but  al1  agree  that  il  must  Graves - The  early  greavcs  intro-
                               have  been  a  rnost  terrible  weapon  duced  by  the Greeks during the 6th
                               wliose  effects  during  the  14th  cen-  century  B.C. consisted  of  plates
                               tury gave  it a proverbial  reputation  extending  round  part  of  the  legs.
                               for its efficacy.
                                                                During the time of  the early Romans
                                 Some writers describe  it  as being  greaves  were  extended  by  Gorgans
                               similar  to  the  rnace  which  was  a  which  fitted  over  the  knees.  They
                               club-like weapon  with  spikes on its  were  then discarded  for many years
                               ball-shaped  head. Others describe it  but returned  about 1250 in the form
                               as  a  pole  weapon  terminating  in  a  of  the schynbald  (q.v.).
                               long  metal  spke  with,  approxi-
                               mately  18  inches  from  the  end.  a
                               sharpened  blade similar in  shape to
                               the  pick-axe  attached  to  it.
                               Gonfanoon - Sometimes  known  as
                               gonfalon.  Probably  derived  from
                               the  Norse  'gunnefane'  or  war  flag.
                               It was used  extensively by  tlze Nor-
                               mans  with  whom  it  had  a  square
                               body with three or more tails. Later
                               it  was  used  more  by  the  Italians
                               than  in  any  other  country.
                               Gorget - Consisted  of  a solid caped
                               collar covering the Iower part of  the
                               face  and
                                           extending  over  the
                               Goupillon - A short shafted  weapon
                               headed  by  an articulated  joint  from  Greek  Amour - This  consisted  of
                               which  were  attached  one  or  more  a kind  of  plated  cuirass with  plated
                               short  chains.  At  tlie  end  of  each  guards strapped  over  the shoulders.
                               chain  was a wooden bal1 fitted wilh  The  metal  used  in  al1  cases  was
                               Grand Guard  - A  large  additional  Greek  Sword - A  short  but  broad
                               piece of  plate fixed  to tlie Ieft of  the  bladed  weapon  of  bronze  which
                               breastplate extending over the right  was  riveted  to  the  handle.  It  could
                               side.  Used  specifically  for  jousting.  only be  used  for  thrusting as it had
                                                                insufficient  strength to  be  used  as a
                               Grand Phalaux - A Greek rniiitary  cutting  weapon.
                               unit  containing  well  over  1600
                               hoplitai.                        Greenwich  Amour  -  In  1519
                                                                Henry  VI11  established  a  chain  of
                               Great  Bascinet  - The  name  of  a  workshops  in  Greenwich,  chieffy
                               new  type of  helmet  deveIoped £rom  sîaffed  by  German  and  Italian
                               the  ta11  pointed  bascjnet  to  which  amourers,  for  the  manufacture  of
                               the  beaver  had  become  an  integral  high  quality  amour. This  armour
                               part. This was developed during the  was  made  available  to  members  of
                               early  15th  century.            the nobility  at exorbitant  prices.
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