Page 239 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 239

which  wcre an extention  of the coat  Gisarme,  Gnisarme  - A  mediaeval
                              of  mail covering the wrist and hand  pole  weapon  terminating  in  two
                              and  tied  at  tile  sleeves. The gaunt-  prongs  one  straight  and  the  other
                              lets  consisted  of  a  fabric  glove  curved.
                              originally with a single plate four  the
                                                               Gladiator - A  Roman  professional
                              back  of  the  band  fastenii~g to  the
                                                               swordsman  reserved  prhard~ for
                              fabric  and  with  srna11  overlapping
                                                               P"rPoseS  of entereahment. He wore
                              plates  for the fingers, thus enabling
                                                               a high  crested,  broad  brimmed  hel-
                              (hem  to  move  easily.  With  some
                                                               met with a ~erforated visor, a grcave
                              types spikeç  of  iron  called  gadlings
                                                               On  bis  ridit  kg and  articulated
                              tvere  fixcd  to  the  knuckles  and
                              joints,  thus  converting  the gauntlet  metal  lames  on  bis sword
                              into  a  formidable  weapon  of  on  his left  arm  he  carried  a  small
                                                               round  shield.
                                At  a  later  stage  the  solid  plate
                              protecting the back  of  die hand  was
                              extended  round  the wrist.
                                By  the  middte  of  1Jie  17th  cen-
                              tury a special elbow gauntlet for the
                              left  am1  only  (see  elbow  gauntlet)
                              was  dcveloped  while  that  for  the
                              rigllt  ami  consisted  of  a  reinforced
                              leather  glove.
                              Genouiiiiéres  -  A  general  term
                              covering  arniour  for  the knee caps.
                              In  early  tirnes  they  were  made  of
                              cuir  boulli  or  leather  but  even-
                              fually  they  were  constructed  of
                              metal  in  various shapes.
                                                                        Roman  Gladiator
                                                               Gladius  Ibencus  - A  short  broad
                                                               bladed  Roman sword.
                                                               Glaive - A  mediaeval pole  weapon
                                                               consisting  of  a  broad  pointed  blade
                                                               with  a  long spike attached  opposite
                                                               the  front  of  the  blade.  This  spike
                                                               was  approximately  3  the  length  of
                                                               the blade.
                                                               Goedendag - Tbere seems to be con-
                                                               siderable discrepancy in the descrip-
                                         Guisarma              tion  of  the goedendag  amongst  his-
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