Page 117 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 117

this  reason  almost  be  added  to  the
                                                               Lines  of  partition  as  one  Gnds
                                                               checky.  etc.  It  consists  of  bendlets
                                                               and  bendlets  sinister  interlaced.  A
                                                               diminutive  of  fretty  is  'the  fret '
                                                               which  consists  of  one  bendlet  and
                                                               one  bendlet  sinister  interlaccd  wjth
                                                               a mascle.
                                                                 12. The Billet. 1s an oblong figurc
                                                               placed  upright  in  the  centre  of  the
                                                               shield. It is seldom found  on its own
                                                               but  more  often  in  its  diminulive
                                7.  Flaunches.  These  are  always
                                                               form  billetté,  or  semé  of  billets.
                              borne  in  pairs  and  consist  of  two
                              arcs  of  a  circlc  drawn  from  the
                              dexter  and  sinister  chief  and  ter-
                              minating  approximately 3 down  the
                              appropriate side of  the shield.
                                8.  The  Lozenge.  A  diamond
                              shape placed  centrally on the shield
                              but  not  reaching  to  its  edges  and
                              with  the  longest  part  in  pale.
                                9.  The  Fusil.  SirniIar  to,  and
                              treated  in  the  same  way  as,  the
                              lozenge  but  it  is  longer  and  nar-
                                                                 13.  The Label.  This consists of  a
                                                               strip  placed  horizontally  across  the
                                10. The MascIe. A  lozenge which
                                                               strips  pendent  from  it.  It  rnay  be
                              has  been voided  and  which  leaves
                                                               drawn  to  reach  the  sides  of  the
                              a  small  diamond  shape  the  same
                                                               shield  or  its  ends  may  be  cooped.
                              colour  as the field  in  the  centre,  or
                                                               The pendent  strips  rnay  be  oblong
                              the  void  may  be  tinctured  differ-
                                                               or splayed  out  at the  bottom.
                                                                 In  early  Herddry  it  was  sorne-
                                                               times  used  as  a  charge  but  in
                                11.  Fretty.  The term fretty is nor-
                                                               modern  times it is always the differ-
                              mally  used  to  describe  the  field,   honour point with three or five srnall
                              thus gules  {retty Or, and  could  for   ence mark for the eIdest son  (three
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