Page 114 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 114

                               borne  thus  would  be described  as  Sheldrake  - A  water  fowl  closely
                               sejant  rampant.
                                                                resembling  a  duck.
                                     -  Scattered  with  small  Shield  - There  have  been  many
                                                                changes in the shield throughout  the
                               charges;  for  example  semé-de-lis
                               (scattered  with  fleurs-de-lis),  semé  ages,  they  have  boen  long,  round,
                               of  roses, etc. In some cases an alter-  square,  kite-shaped  and  of  other
                               native  word  enlirely  is  used,  for  peculiar shapes some decorated  and
                              example  ' Crusilly ', meaning  semé  some  not.
                               of  cross  crosslets.
                                                                  The  shield  has  always  been  of
                                                                prime  imporlance  in  Heraldry  as it
                               Serpent - See  reptiles.
                                                                is  upon  the  shield  that  armorial
                                                                bearings  are  borne.
                               Shack  Bol4  Shackle  - See  fetter-
                                                                  In  modern  thes  the  standard
                                                                shieId  is  approximately  four  units
                                                                in width  and  five units  in depth.
                               Shafted - Applied  to  the qui11  of  a
                               feather and to tbe shaft of  an arrow.  Sbip  -  Various  ships  appear  as
                                                                charges  including  the  lymphad  or
                              Shake fork - A  pal1 with  the limbs  galley, the clipper and even  modern
                              cut and poinred.
                                                                always  give  full  particulars  as  to
                              Shamrock - The three-leaved clover  direction,  sails.  oars  and  tinclures.
                               or  trefoil.
                                                                Ships badges - As the  result  of  the
                              Sheaf  of  Arrows  - GeneraIIy  refers  unofficial  adoption  of  Badges  by
                               ro  three  arrows,  two  in  saltire  and  many  ships  during  the  first  World
                               one  in  pale,  witb  the  points  down-  War  a  commission  was  set  up  to
                               wards  unless  otherwise  stated.
                                                                consider and assign approved badges
                                                                to  ships. These are  now  considered
                                                                as Heraldic.
                                                                Signs, Amy, Corps  and  Divisional
                                                                - See Regimental jnsignia.
                                                                Sinister - The left hand  side of  the
                                                                shield from the point  of  view of  the
                                                                bearer  i.e.  the  right  side  to  the
                                                                Sixfoil - One of  the members of  the
                                                                foi1  family  containing  six  petals.
                                        Sheaf  of Arrows
                                                                Slip  - A  twig  with  two  or  three
                               Sheaf  of  Corn  - Garb  (q.v.).   leaves.
                               Sheep  -  Appear  in  Heraldry  in  Slipped  - An  expression  referring
                               scveral  forms  principally  the  ram,  to  a  flower  wliich  has  a  stem  with
                               larnb and fleece.                IWO  or  three  leaves attached  to it.
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