Page 120 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 120

Talent  - An  alternative  name  for  Tierced - Divided  into  three parts.
                              the  bezant,
                                                               Tiger - May  be used in  Heraldry
                              Tan Cross - One of  the early sym-  in  its  natural  form  in  which  case
                              bols found  in  many  places through-  the  blazon  will  state  Bengal  Tiger
                              out the world  dating from prior  to  or  in  its  Heraldic  form  when  it  is
                              the Stone Age. Taken as a Heraldic  treated  as a  monster.
                              charge  it is  found  on  occasions  in
                              early  Heraldry  but  is  seldom  used  Tinc-tures - A term  loosely covering
                                                                al1  the  colours  used  in  Heraldry
                                                                including  metals,  colours  and  furs,
                              Teazel - A species of thistle used  in  however,  in  its  correct  application
                              the  process  of  dressing  cloth.  Xt  is  it  refers  only  to  the  colours  as
                              found  occasional~y as  a  charge.
                                                                opposed  to  metals  and  furs.
                                                                  There  are  five  tinctures  used  in
                              Ted - One of  the early  tinctures,  modern  Heraldry  and  two  which
                              orange  in  colour.  which  is  said  to  may  appear  from  time  to  tirne  if
                              have  been  associated  with  abate-  reference is made to early Heraldry.
                                                                  The ones in general use consist of
                                                                gules-red, for  which  most  Heraldic
                              Thistie  - Usually  depicted  s1ipped  artists  use  a plain vermilion; azure-
                              and  leaved,  appears  on  aumerous  blue,  the most  popular  lint  for  this
                               occasions  in  Scottish  Heraldry.
                                                                colour  is  cobalt-blue;  sable-black
                                                                the  best  type  of  Iamp black  should
                                                                be  employed  and  not  Indian  ink
                                                                which  fades  to  a  brown  tinge:  vert
                                                                - green,  the  colour  most  writers
                                                                recomrnend is emerald but as this is
                                                                a  very  brilliant  green  it is  probably
                                                                better  if  mixed  with  an  equal  por-
                                                                tion  of  Hooker's  green;  purpure  -
                                                                purple,  purple  Iake  is  the  tint  etu-
                                                                  Students  of  Heraidry  setting  out
                                                                to  become  Heraldic  artists  should
                                                                purchase  Designers'  colours  for
                                                                Heraldic  work  as  these  provide  the
                                                                very  best  quality  and  the effect wiIl
                                                                be  sligl-itly opaque.
                                                                Torteau - A  roundle gules.
                              nistle, Order oE  - One of  the senior
                               orders of  chivaIry.             Torse - Wreath  (q.v.).
                              Thunderbolt  A  A  bearing  derived
                              from  classic  mythology  inwhich  it
                              belonas  to Jupiter.  It  is  represented
                               by  a  twisted  column  ôf  flame         Torse  or  Wreath
                              between  two  wings  and  two  darts
                               of  lightning  in  saltire  barbed  at  Tower  -  A  tower  is  commonly
                               both  ends.                      represented  as  a  single  masoned
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