Page 92 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 92
Smith, T., carpenter, Cannon st. Taylor, Thomas, carpenter, Park st.
Taylor, J., carpenter, Parkst. Thompson, W., carpenter, Marketst.
Taylor, 0., carpenter, McNab st. Waugh, J., carpenter, Bay st.
STEIN, L., gilder and framemaker, King st. west—every description of looking-glass and
picture frames gilt and re-polished.
CARTWRIGHT, GEORGE E., apothecary and chemist, corner King and Hughson sts.—
prescriptions and family receipts carefully prepared.
HAMILTON & KNEESHAW, importers and dealers in drugs and chemicals, patent medi-
cines, English and French perfumery, spices, oils, paints and dye stuffs, corner King
and James sts.
MEDICAL HALL, King st.—established, 1835—T. Bickle & Son, wholesale and retail
dealers in drugs, chemicals, patent medicines, perfumery, paints, oils, varnishes, dye
stuffs, brushes, artists colors and tools, druggists glass ware, &c, King st. See card.
WINER & SIMS, licentiate chemists and druggists, Kingst.—established, 1830—importers
and dealers in drugs, chemicals, British and Foreign perfumery, paints, colors, oils,
varnishes, dye stuffs, seeds, &c, King st.
WOODWORTH, B. H., chemist and druggist, Upper John st.—prescriptions and family
medicines and receipts carefully prepared.
Hitchcock & Bostonk, chemists, King st
Opposite the Bank of British North America,
(Saab ai> cSLui %Ji UjH alb cIL'to I}A21 •"!» ch m dtbdlb diMlb dlltilb dlb dkJl dlb XJJ dlb'H s
Importers of Chemicals, Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuflfe, Painter*
Tools, Brushes, Window Glass, &c, &c.
T. B. & SON, solicit the attention of Druggists, Merchants, Physicians, Dyers, Painters,
and the public generally, to their establishment; their stock is large, and carefully se-
lected from the best markets, and they possess the means and experience necessary to
enable them to purchase on the best terms, and to sell at wholesale and retail at the
lowest prices.
T. B. & Son are also wholesale agents for Moffat's Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters,.
Fahnestock's Vermifuge, Buchan's Hungarian Balsam, Brandreth's Pills, Trask's Magne-
tic Ointment, Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment, &c, &c.
HANKEY, FIXTON, Gore carriage and coach factory, corner of Main and McNab sts.-
every kind of carriage made to order on reasonable terms.
PRONGUET, JOHN P., city coach factory, corner Park and Market sts.
TAXMAN, C. H., coach, carriage and waggonmaker, McNab st.