Page 91 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 91

100                          HAMILTON.
       BARNES,  GEORGE,  wholesale  and retail  dealer  in  British  and  American  magazines,
          standard and scientific  works, reprints,  cheap  publications,  newspapers,  stationery,
          music,  & c , King st.
      BUNTIN, A., & Co., wholesale  dealers  in  printing, writing  and wrapping  paper,  school
          books,  stationery,  & c , King st.
      HELUWEIX,  C. L., bookseller,  binder,  stationer  and  papermaker,  wholesale and retail,
          King st.
       HERVET,  S., bookseller,  (old  and new), King  st.
       HEWSON,  STEPHEN, bookbinder, James  st.
       MACKENDRICK,  MATTHEW, stationer and general dealer  in school books, binding materials,
          engravings,  maps,  paper  hangings,  music  and  musical  instruments,  James st.'—
           Printing and binding  executed  to  order.
       PHINNEY  & Co., wholesale  and retail  booksellers,  King  st.—School  and miscellaneous
          books  constantly  on hand, at New York prices—J. Frisbee,  agent.
       McLellan, D., bookseller, King st.
                              BOOT  AND  SHOEMAKERS.
       GORDON, A., boot and shoe  manufacturer,  King st. west.
       MONTREAL  BOOT  AND SHOE  STORE,  King st.  east, Robert  Hopkins.
       NISBET,  EOBERT, jun.,  Penitentiary  boot and shoe  store, King  st.—a  large  stock  always
           on  hand  at low prices.
       STERLING, G., boot and shoe  manufacturer,  Victoria  buildings,  King  st.—particular  at-
          tention  paid to orders, &c.
       TRACY, C. J., boot and shoe  manufacturer  and importer,  King  st.—every  description of
           ladies' and gentlemen's  boots and shoes made to order.
       .Boyle, W., King st.              .  Mooney & Fletcher,  James st.
       Crocker,  J., King st.             Motashed,  J., Hugbson  st.
       Edgar,  J., York  st.              Simpson, J., McNab  st.
       Gardner,  James,  James st.        Stanley,  G., James st.
       Gardner,  John,  King st.          Ruse,  R., King st.
      Gordon, D., McNab st.               Warren,  II., King  st.
      Holbrook,  R., King st.             Wills,  J., King st.
                             BREWERS  AND DISTILLERS.
      SNOWDEN,  GRANT  & Co.,  Springs  brewer}'-, Main  st.
      Hunt & Co., Peel st.
                            CABINET  AND CHAIRMAKERS.
      BLACHFORD, J., cabinetmaker  and undertaker,  James  st.—every  description  of  cabinet
          work  of the latest  fashion,  funerals  furnished,  and coffins  constantly  on hand.
      MEADOWS, S., cabinet  and chairmaker,  King  st. east.
      MTJNROE,  WILLIAMSON  &  MORTON,  cabinet  and  chairmakers, carvers, upholsterers  and
          undertakers,  Court-house  square—every  article  in the line  made in the newest and
          most  fashionable  style.
      PORTER  & HOODLESS,  chair  and beadstead  factory,  Hughson  st.—every  description  of
          rocking, Windsor, cane  seat and rush  bottom  chairs, and patent and  other bedsteads.
      REID,  JAMES, cabinet and chair steam factory, and upholstery warehouse, corner King and
          Bond sts.
      Bain  & Hastings,  cabinetmakers  King  st.  Hiesdrodt,  J., cabinetmaker,  Main st.
      Balfour,  P., cabinetmaker,  John st  Hilton, T., cabinetmaker,  York st.
      Coates, T. A., upholsterer,  Walnut st.  Kerr,  R.,  cabinetmaker,  McNab st.
      Dodsworth, J., cabinetmaker,  James  st.  Whitney,  T., cabinetmaker,  King st.
      Drysdale,  A., upholsterer,  King  st.
                        CARPENTERS,  JOINERS  AND  BUILDERS.
      HILLS, A. H., builder, machinist and agricultural  implement  manufacturer,  James st.
      Balfour,  P., carpenter,  Market st.  Johnson,  W., carpenter,  Barton st.
      Clark,  H., builder,  Hughson st.   Kinread,  T., carpenter,  Catherine st.
      Collingwood,  T., builder,  John st.  Powell,  T. S., carpenter,  Mountain  brow.
      Dalton, J., carpenter,  Rebecca st.  Robinson,  G., carpenter,  West  Market st.
      i)odds, W., carpenter,  Hughson  st.  Shipman,  G.. carpenter,  John st.
      Dunn, J., builder,  West  Market  s t  Simpson,  J., builder,  Main st.
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