Page 76 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 76

GANANOQUE.                            85

      Adair, Alexander, carpenter,  Mill alley.  Johnston, Mrs., milliner,  Main st.
      Ainslie, Adam, barrister at law, Main st,  west.  Kay, James, carriagemaker, North Water st.
      Allen, James, carpenter, Main st.  Kinsman, N., & Co., lime burners.
      Andrews, James K.,&  Co, general store, Main st.  Knox, 0. P., town collector  and  constable.
      Andrews, Zebulon, boots and shoes, Main  st.  Lee,  George, watchmaker,  Queen  square.
      Armstrong, Milne,  Owens  &  Kirkpatrick,  con-  M'Carty, Jacob,  limeburner.
         tractors.                       M'Closky, Robert, boots and shoes, Main  st
      Arnold, E.,  confectioner,  Main st.  M'Crum,  Henry,  clerk  of  division  court  and
      Bayley, Eli, smith,  North Water st.  secretary  building society.
      Bayne, Rev. John, Free  Church.    M'Keand,  Donald, dentist  and  apothecary.
      Bell, Gavin, innkeeper, Main st.   M'Kenzie, R., baker,  Main st.
      Benn, W. H., boots and  shoes, Main st  M'Lachlan. Duncan, tailor, Main  st.
      Black, W., smith, Ainslie st.      M'Lean, R-, & D.,school teachers, Market square.
      Blacklock, F.,  & J.,  butchers, Main st.  M'Millan, James, innkeeper, Main  st.
      Boomer, Rev. Michael, Church  of  England.  Malcolm, A., cabinetmaker,  Main st,  west
      Boyce, William, axe factory,  North Water st.  Manning, Miss, milliner, Main st.
      Braid wood, W., butcher, North Water  st  Miller, Robert, M. D., Main st,  west.
      Brooks, J.,  gunsmith, North Water st.  Mitchell & Woolley, smiths, West  Main  st
      Brower, E. N., axe factory, North Water st  Moffatt, J.  A., tailor, North Water  st.
      Brown, Charles, general store, Main  st.  Mouatt,  A.  H.,  general  store,  North  Water st.
      Burnet, Alex.,  boots and shoes, Queen square.  Newton, W.,  waggonmaker,  Ainslie st.
      Callaghan,  Daniel, innkeeper, North Water  st.  Oliver, Andrew,  chemist  and druggist, Main st.
      Campbell, A., tailor, Main  st.    Paris, James, saloonkeeper,  Main st.
      Cheeseman, John, painter,  Main  st.  Pierson, John, tanner, &c,  Main st.
      Craig, James, painter,  Main  st.  Pollock, James, land surveyor, West  Main  st.
      Dan forth  & McNaughton,  last factory, Water  st.  Ramsay, Andrew, tailor, North Water st.
      Davis, J. W.,& Co., stove warehouse, N. Water st  Richardson, Dr. Samuel, North Water st.
      Fisher & Lulz, foundry,  Victoria st.  Robinson, William,  carriagemaker,  Main st
      Forbes, R.,  boot and shoe store, Main st,  west.  Sampson, Theophilus, temperance inn, Main st.
      Forbes, Robert, paper mills, Main st,  west  Shaw, Walter, tailor, Main  st
      Forbes, John, tailor, Main  st.    Sours, Isaac, cloth factory,  South Water st.
      Fraser, James, innkeeper.  Main st.,  west  Sproule, James, boots and shoes, North Water st.
      Fraser,  , grocer, North Water st.  Stone, W., innkeeper,  Sprague's  road.
      Gardiner, Rev. Mr., Primitive  Methodist.  Strang, Rev. James.  Associate  Presbyterian.
      Geddes, James, auctioneer, &c,  Main st.  Town reeve, Andrew  Elliott.
      Gibson, Rev. Hamilton,  Church  of Scotland.  Town  clerk and treasurer,  Adam Ker.
      Gilbert, Rev. C. W.,  Wesleyan.    Turnbull, Robert, tailor, West Main  st.
      Goldie, Misses, milliners, West  Main st.  Wallace, Robert, general store, Main st
      Hall, Thomas, & Son, tailors, Main st  Wallace, George, innkeeper,  Main  st.
      Hall, Thomas, upholsterer,  Main st., west.  Webster  & Drummond, builders and  contractors.
      Hall, W.,  limeburner.             White, George, innkeeper,  Main st.
      Harris, James, brewery, Main st.   Young, John,  livery stables, Main  st.
      Hinsbelwood, R.,  contractor.      Young, Alexander,  school teacher,  Main st.
      Johnston, Charles, smith, Sprague's road.  Young & Hogg, pail factory, North Water st.
      A VILLAGE  situated  on the  River St  Lawrence, in the Township  of  Leeds, County  of Leeds, C. "W".
      —distant  from  Kingston,  18  miles, from  Brockville,  32 miles—usual  steamboat  fare to Kingston, 2s.
      6d-~to Montreal, 20s.  Population about 800.
      MACDONALD,  W.  S., proprietor  of the Gananoque flour mills, saw mills and nail  works.
      Allen, D. S., master mechanic.     Macdonald, J. L., & Co., merchants.
      Auchinvole, A., tanner.            Macdonald, W.  S., superintendent  of schools.
      Britton, D. F.,  merchant.        McKelvey, J.,  clerk  of division  court.
      Brophy, P., merchant              McCrom, Dr.,  physician.
      Brough, W.,  merchant.            Mitchell, George, master mechanic.
      Brough, R.,manufacturer  of wheelheads, rakes, &c  National  Loan  Fund  Insurance  Company,  E..
      Cadwell,  S.  N.,  manufacturer  of  wheelheads,  Webster, agent.
       rakes, &c.                       O'Brian, P., master mechanic.
      Chevers, Thomas, hotelkeeper  and town  clerk.  Parmenter, J.  W.,  merchant
      Chevers, T., master mechanic.     Potter, Dr. W. E.,  physician.
      Cross, W.,  hotelkeeper.          Provincial  and  General  Mutual  Insurance  Com-
      Deane, W. H., provincial land  surveyor.  pany, W. S., Macdonald, agent.
     Foley, Rev. J.,  Roman Catholic.   Purvis, Dr. George E.,  physician.
     Gordon, Rev.  Henry, Free  Church-  Redmond, H., master mechanic.
     Hall, R.  R.,  master mechanic.    Richmond, Dr. T.,  physician.
      Hallowell, T.  C ,  lastmaker.     Robinson, R.,  master mechanic.
     Johnstown  Mutual In.  Co., E.  Webster,  agent.  Standon, George, master  mechanic.
      Kirker, J.  K., merchant and town reeve.  Webster, E.,  merchant,  collector  of  customs aad
      Laughton, J. K.,& Co., merchants andpailmakers.  commissioner  of Queen's  Bench.
     Macdonald, Hon. J.,  postmaster.    Williams, Rev. J.  D.,  Wesleyan.
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