Page 313 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 313
Fronting Palace hill, and near RusselPs Hotel.
#3r PORTRAITS taken by sky-light in a few seconds, in clear and dark weather, with or without
colours, and neatly set in Ivory or Leather Cases, Frames, Lockets, Rings, &c. Pictures or Paintings
faithfully copied. True Likenesses of sick or dead persons taken at their residence.
N.B.—Apparatuses and Daguerreotype Furniture furnished, and Instructions given in the Art,
Quebec, 1851.
BILODEAU, Louis, importer of and dealer in British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods,
4 Fabrique St., IT. T.
CALLAM, D. A., importer and wholesale dealer in British and American staple and fancy
dry goods, 41 St. Peter St., L. T.
CASEY, THOMAS, importer of and dealer in British and American staple and fancy dry
goods, corner of Fabrique and St. John sts., U. T.—wholesale store, 3 Sauit-au-
matelot st., L. T.
GLOVER & FRY, importers of British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods, 15 Fabrique
LAURIE, A, & Co., importers of and wholesale dealers in British and foreign staple and
fancy dry goods, Arthur St., L. T.
LEMELIN, PIERRE, dealer in dry goods, ready-made clothing, trunks, hats, &c, 7 Notre
Dame st., L. T.
MOODIE, MATHEW, importer and wholesale dealer in British and foreign staple andfancv
dry goods, 31 St. Peter St., L. T.
MURPHY, J. M., importer and dealer in British and foreign staple and fancy dry eoods
67 St. John st., U. T. J H '
TETU, L. & C , importers and dealers in all kinds of staple and fancy dry goods, 11 St.
John st., U. T.
Adair, A., 13 Mountain st, L. T. Cox, James, Craig st, St Roche.
Angers, Frs., 8 Notre Dame st, L. T. Cr6te, M., St Vallier st., St Rochs.
Arthur & Co., 38 St. John st, U. T. Davidson, James, St. Eustache st, St Louis.
Aub6, D., 2 Champlain st., L. T. Degares, J., 33 St John st, without.
Babineau, A., Sous-le-fort st.,L. T. Delamare, T. N., Craig st, St Rochs.
Baltaz, J., Plessis st, St Louis. Doherty, P., St. Julie st, St. Louis-
Benjamin, Henry, 18 Fabrique st., U. T. Donahue, Miss, St John st, without
B6rub<5, Joseph, Desfoss&s st., St Rochs. Dionne, F., 7 Mountain st., L. T.
B6rub6, J., Crown st, St Rochs. Dorion & Garneau, 62 St. John st, U. T.
Boisvert, F., 51 St Johnst, U. T. Dusseault, J. B., 3 and 5 Champlain st., L. T.
Boisseau, P., 14 St Joseph and 8 Fabrique sts., Eddleston, Edward, Scott st, St. Louis.
U. T. Fafard, A., Desfosses st, St. Rochs.
Bouchard, N., Craig st., St. Rochs. Finigan, James, 5 Notre Dame st, L. T.
Brocklesbury, H., Salaberry st., St. Louis. Fortier, M., 34 St John st., U. T.
Brown, William, St. Julie st, St. Louis. Fraser, D., D'Artigny st., St. Louis.
Cadoret, H., St. Madelaine St., St. Rochs. Fr6chette, J. B., 7 and 15 Sous-le-fort st., L. T.
Cadoret, P., Piessis st., St. Louis. Gagnon, Pierre, St. Nicholas st, L. T.
Cadot, Louis, St Gabriel st, St Johns. Garneau, D. B., 343 Champlain st, L. T.
Carel, Edward, Grant st, St, Rochs. Gingras, Pierre, St. John st, without
Caron, Eli, 2 Notre Dame st., L. T. Giroux, Charles, Artillery st, St Louis.
Caron, P., 6 Notre Dame st, L. T. Godbout, Joseph, 19 Notre Dame st, L. T.
Carrier, F., Desfosses st, St. Rochs. Guay, F., 4 Notre Dame st, L. T.
Cathron, R., 59 St. John st, U. T.
Chabot, Pierre, 9 Notre Dame st, L, T. Hamel & Brothers, Champlain and Sous-le-fort
Chartrain, J., St. Anne st, St Rochs. sts., L. T.
Chretien, F., 13 Fabrique st, U. T. Hatnel, A., St. Vallier st, St. Rochs.
C6t6, J. B., Craig st, St. Rochs. Hardy & Marchildon, 22 Notre Dame st., L. T.
Hardy, Joseph, 7 Notre Dame St., L. T.
Couture, M., Crown st, St Roche.
Coveney, E. D., Artillery St., St Louit. Horan & Cullen, 17 Fabrique st, U. T.
Horan, G., Craig st, St. Rochs.