Page 317 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 317
Delisle, S., St. Vallier st, St. Rochs. Lenfestey, J., St. Vallier st, St. Rochs.
Delisle, Joseph, St. Vallier st., St. Rochs. Legalise, Thomas, Desfoss6s st, St. Rochs.
Dion, Joseph, St. Edward st., St Rochs. Leclere, A., Crown st, St Rochs.
Dion,N., St. Vallier st, St Rochs. Leli&vre, F., Dorchester st., St Rochs.
Donnolly, Mrs. William, Dorchester st., St. Lepine, O., Craig st, St. Rochs.
Rochs. Lesueur, P., Craig st, St. Rochs.
Douglas, James, St Dominique st., St. Rochs, Letourneau, Joseph, Dorchester st, St. Rocks.
Drolet, S., St. John St., without. Lt^ourneau, Joseph, Richardson st., St Rochs.
Drolet, P., St. Olivier st., St. Johns. M'Adams, H., 16 St. Paul and42 Sault-au-mate-
Drolet, P., St. Joseph st., St. Rochs. lotsts., L. T.
Dugas, J., Grant st., St. Rochs. M< Donald, G., 22 St Paul st, L. T.
Duddridge, Thomas, Grant st., St. Rochs. M'Elroy, Thomas, 42 Champlain st, L. T.
Dupont, J., Queen st, St Rochs. M'Garvey, Mrs. P., St. Eustachest, St. Johns.
Dussault, J. B., D'Aiguillon st., St Johns. M'Go wan, William, St Croix st., St. Louis.
Dwyer, A., St. John st., without M'Laughlin, T., St. Vallier st, St. Rochs.
Edgar, J., St. Gahriel st, St Johns. M'Lean, William, St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Edmond, A., St Ann st, St Rochs. M'Laughlin, J., St. Amable st., St. Louis.
Edmond, R., Church st, St. Rochs. M'Mahon, P., 247 Champlain and 18 Sous-le-forf.
Enwright, M., St Amable st., St. Louis. sts., L. T.
Falconbridge, W. K., Dorchester st., St. Rochs. Maguire, D. & D., 51 St Peter st., L. T.
Farrell, J., Dorchester st., St. Rochs. M'Neice, William, St. George st., St. Johns.
Fecteau, J. B., St. Joseph st, St Rochs. Maheux, N., Dorchester st., St. Rochs.
Fletcher, E., 45 St. Louis st, IT. T. Maheux, Auguste, Dorchester st, St Rochs.
Fraser, A., St Ann st., St Rochs. Marquis, E., Grant st., St. Rochs.
Frenette, O., St. Vallier st, St. Rochs. Marceau, Louis, Church st, St Rochs.
Gaboury, Joseph, St John st, without Martin, H., St Julie st, St. Louis.
Gallagher, F., Crown st, St. Rochs. Masson, J., Artillery st, St. Louis.
Giguiere, Francis, Queen st, St. Rochs. Marcotte, Mrs. C, St. John st, within.
Gingras, S. E., St. Nicholas st, L. T. Martineau, T. J., Sous-le-fort st, L. T.
Gilbride, William, St. Dominique st., St. Rochs. Marcoux, X., St. Paul's market, L. T.
Godbout, F., Grant st., St. Rochs. Marchildon, Hardy, & Co., 3 St. Peter st, L. T.
Graham, M., St. Dominique St., St. Rochs. Moffatt, C, St. John st, without
Grenier, Joseph, St. Vallier St., St. Rochs. Moffatt, W., St. Johnst, without
Guerard, Mrs., Dorchester st,, St. Rochs. Montreuil, F., Richelieu st, St. Johns.
Hallee, Francis, 5 St. Peter st, L. T. Murphy, Thomas, Desfoss£s st, St Rochs.
Hall, George, 71 St. John st., U. T. Murphy, Mrs. J., Grant st, St. Rochs.
Hagens, Hanse, 12 Cul-de-sac st, L. T. O'Conner, Henry, St John st, U. T., and 15 St.
Hamel, J., St Vallier st., St Roclis.
Hamel, C, St Vallier st, St. Rochs. Paul st,, L. T.
Haslett, James, 44 St. John st., U. T. O'Connor, P., 12 Champlain st, L. T.
Henderson, George, 29 St Louis st., U. T. O'Granary, Mrs., St. Paul St., L. T.
Orr, George st,
St. Rochs.
Hethrington, E., 39 St. John st., U. T. Paquet, J., D'Aiguillon st, St. Johns.
Hethrington, J., 27 St. Paul st, L. T.
Henrican, Thomas, St. Amable st, St Louis. Paquet, Joseph, St. Vallier st, St. Rochs.
Craig st, St
Pare, G. A.,
Hossack, G. C, 325 Champlain sf, L. T.
Hoogan, T., Crown st, St Rochs. Parker, J., Desfoss6s st, St Rochs.
Huot, Prisque, Grant st, St Rochs. Paterson, J., corner of St. Nicholas and Lacroix
Huot, P., Craig st., St. Rochs. sts., L. T.
Irvine, W. H., St Vallier st., St. Rochs. Paterson, Joseph, St. Dominique st, St. Rochs.
Jackson, J., St. John st., without Patton, R. G., St. John st., without.
Jackson, William, D'Artigny st, St. Louia. Peltier, O., Queen st, St Rochs.
Jennings, P., 2 St. Paul st., L. T. Picard, Joseph, Fleury st., St. Rochs.
Jobin, J., Richelieu st., St. Johns. Piton, L. C, Dorchester st, St Rochs.
Johnston, W., St. Vallier st, St. Rochs. Plunkett, M.,Desfoss6s st, St Rochs.
Johnston, F., 32 Champlain st., L. T. Plante, M., Dorchester st, St Rochs.
Kelly, P., St. Famille st., U. T. Poliquin, Joseph, Fleury st., St Rochs.
Kirouac, Francis, Nelson st., St Rochs. Poliquin, L., Craig st, St Rochs.
Lab6 & Co., St George st., St. Johns. Poitras, Miss L., Richardson st., St. Rochs.
Laberge, F., St John st., without. Poston, E., 25 Buade st, U. T.
Laberge, N., Craig st., St Rochs. Poston, E. & W., 21 Notre Dame st, L. T.
Lachance, F., Desfoss6s st, St. Rochs. Provost, P.,St. Joseph st, St. Rochs.
Lane, J., St. George st., St Johns. Racine, L. 0., Queen st, St. Rochs.
Lefrancois, J., St. Paul's market, L. T. Ray, Martin, 342 Champlain st, L. T.
Lapointe, U., St. Edward st, St Rochs. Ray, S., St. Joseph st., St Rochs.
L*pomte, P., Queen st., St Rochs. Rinfret, F. X., St John st, without.
Lapointe, P., St. Vallier st., St. Rochs. Rh6aume, Mrs., Desfoss6s St., St. Rochs.
Lapointe, N., Dorchester st., St. Rocha, Robertson, Wm., St. Eustache st.,St Louis.
Lwoche, F., Craig st, St Rochs. Robertson, Alex., 51 St John st, U. T.
Lavoie, P., sen., Queen st, St Roch*. Robertson, D., 14 Buade st., U. T.
Lawtar, P., Craig st, St Rochs. Robitaille, P., Commissioners st., St. Roch».
Leitch, Peter, 54 St Paul st., L. T. Robitaille, P., Dorchester st, St Rochs.
Lenfestey, F., St Johnst, without Rousseau, Joseph, St. Dominique st., St. Rocbju
Russell, R., St. Joachim st., St. Johns.