Page 310 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 310

320                              QUEBEC.

     ARDOUIN, G. G., Q uebecdispensary,  corner  of Seminary and St. Famille sts., U. T.
         —drugs, chemicals, dye stuffs,  perfumery,  fancy  articles, &c, &c,  always on hand.
         See  card.
     BOWLES, JOSEPH, medical  hall, Upper Town  Market-place—importer  of patent  medi-
         cines, toirtoise-shell  and other  combs, cloth, hair,  tooth and nail brushes, English
         and  foreign  perfumery, cut glass toilet  bottles, &c.
     MUSSON, JOHN, chemist, druggist  and apothecary, head  of Upper  Town  hill, importer
         of  patent  medicines,  perfumery,  surgical  instruments,  cloth,  hair, tooth  and nail
         brushes, cut glass toilet bottles. &c.  See card.
     Giroux, 0., 16 Fabrique st., U. T.  |  Hall, J. L., 11 Palace st., U. T.
     QUE1BBC                     DISPENSARY.

                        .     Chemist           cmft

                     Upper   Town   Market,    QUEBEC,
     OFFERS at Wholesale or Retail, upon  very moderate  terms, a large and well-selected
     ET  BOTTLES, and Requisites, Tooth and Nail  Brushes, Combs, Sponges, &c,  Src.
       ALSO,—FIELD,  GARDEN,    and FLOWER    SEEDS, of the best quality, and in
     every variety.  PHYSICIANS and FAMILY  RECEIPTS and PRESCRIPTIONS, accurately and
     carefully  dispensed.

     CHEMIST,          DRUGGIST          AND      APOTHECARY,

                            ESTABLISHED    IN  1810,
        IMPORTER  of Genuine  Patent  Medicines;  English  and French Perfumery;  Cloth,  Hair and
     Tooth Brushes;  Tortoise-shell  Combs of all descriptions ;  Surgical  Instruments, &c, &c.
        AGENT  for the Genuine BERMUDA  ARROWROOT.
        A constant supply of English. French and American FIELD, GARDEN and FLOWER  SEEDS;
     Dutch  BULBOUS  ROOTS, &c.
        Superior  Steam-manufactured  SODA WATER  and NECTAR, in Bottles and from the Fountain.
                       ICE  supplied  by the Season, on reasonable terms.
     BICKELL,  THOMAS, importer of china,  glass and crockery  of all kinds, corner  St. John
         and St. Stanislas  sts., U. T.—agent  for Kelly's pure cod liver oil.
     BICKELL, W. J., importer of crockery,  glass and  china of all kinds, corner  Mountain and
         Notre Dame  sts., L. T.
     GOODWIN, BROTHERS, importer  of china, crockery and glass of all kinds, 6 St. John st.,
         U. T., and Longton  Staffordshire.  See card, page 321.
     MARCH AND,  G-. N., St. Nicholas St., Palace  hill, dealer in crockery, earthenware, win-
         dow glass, glass plates, groceries, paints, oil, nails, &c.
     Levy, Simon, 72 St. John st, U. T.  |  Norris, Thomas, Palace st., U. T.
                             CHRONOMETER   DEPOTS.
     MARTYN, MRS., 45 St. Peter st., L. T.—chronometers rated by transit observations, taken
       .  daily, weather  permitting, chronometers, watches, &c, cleaned and neatly repaired,
        nautical and astronomical  instruments  carefully  adjusted  and repaired.
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