Page 311 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 311

QUEBEC.                             321

                <r, SAMUEL,  St. Peter  St., near the  Custom-house, L.  T.—rates determined
         by astronomical  observation—the  most  difficult  repairs in  chronometers  executed,
         and performances  warranted.
                             i,Cbitta&(torkn), Stare,

              GOODWIN,                  BROTHERS,

                  6  St.  John  Street,  Upper  Town,  QUEBEC,

                                HAVE   at  all times a  well  selected  Stock,  suited  to
                                the  Trade  of Upper and Lower Canada.  Their estab-
                                lishment being  in connection with an  extensive  manu-
                                factory in England, (advantageously located  for the ex-
                                port  of  Earthenware,  without  paying  heavy  inland
                                charges  for  freight,  &c.,)  enables them  to  offer  their
                                goods on more  favourable  terms  than  any  other  house
                                in  Canada.  G. B.  also beg to intimate that  they  have
                                a  large  variety  of  PORCELAIN  and  STONE,  Dinner,
                                Desert, Tea,  Breakfast,  Toilette,  and other  Services,
                                of  the  latest  styles,  with  a  superior  assortment  of
                                GLASSWARE,    of Elegant  Designs, and  Richly Cut,,
                                suited  to  families  and  others  furnishing.
                                  N.'B.  All  orders punctually  forwarded  at the  time
                                required.—No  charge for  -packages.  Price  List  of
                                Articles described forwarded  on  appli cation.

       A small lot of PALMER'S   Patent   Lamps   and   Candles  for Sale.
                         COACH  AND  CARRIAGE  BUILDERS.
     GINGRAS, EDWARD, 36 St. Ursule St., TJ. T.—every kind of carriages used in the province,
         are supplied  from  this  establishment  of the  best quality, and  on  reasonable terms.
     8AURIN, J.  J.,  15 St. Ann  St., U. T.—carriages  of all  kinds, made  of the best materials,
         constantly  on hand, or  furnished  to order,  on  moderate terms.
     AUain, J.,  St. Joachim, st.,  St. Johns.  Pag6, J,,  St. John  St.,  without.
     Bigaoutte  dit  Thomas, J.  O.,  St. Vallier  st.,  St.  Paris, J.,  St. John st., without.
       Rochs.                            Paris, Joseph,  Claire  Fontaine st.,  St. Louis..
     Bureau, J.  B., St. John  st., without.  Pichette, F. X.,  St. John t,  without.
     Gagn6, A., St. Joachim st,  St. Johns.  Proteau, Edward, Jupiter  St., St.  Louis.
     Giroux, Joseph, St.  Vallier st.,  St. Rochs.  Seguin, 0.,  St. Vallier  st.,  St. Rochs.
     Lafleur, J.  B.,  Berthelot st.,  St. Louis.  Trudel, F.,  St. John  st.,  without.
     Lepine, Joseph, St  Vallier  st,  St. Rochs.  Vere, A.,  Cote d'Abraham,  St. Johns.
     Marceau, E.,  St. Vallier st,  St.  Rochs.
                               COAL  MERCHANTS.
     POSTON,  C H A R L E S  &  S O N ,  Arthur  St.,  L .  T.
                      COMMISSION  MERCHANTS  AND  BROKERS.
     ANDERSON, JOHN,  general  commission, forwarding,  and  shipping merchant, 42  St. Peter
         st., L.  T.
     ATKINSON, E.  W.,  general  forwarding, shipping, and commission  merchant, 38 St. Peter
         st., L.  T.
     BURNS,  ADAM,  general  shipping,  commission,  and  forwarding  merchant,  Napoleon
         wharf. L.  T.
     CASSELS, R.  S.,  general  commission,  shipping,  and  forwarding  merchant,  26  St. Peter
         st., L.  T.
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