Page 155 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 155

164                          MONTREAL.
                                  Office—66 Commissioners street.
          DIRECTORS—Hon.  John  Molson,  chairman ;  B.  Brewster,  deputy  chairman;  John
              Carter, A. M.  Delisle, Judge  Gale, W.  Lyman,  Charles Philips,  H.  Russel,  W.
              Workman;  W.  A.  Merry,  clerk  and  secretary;  K. Mills,  accountant;  A.  H.
              Brainerd,  superintendent.
                             RICHELIEU  NAVIGATION  COMPANY.
          P.  E.  Leclere, president;  Louis Marchand, vice-president;  J.  F.  Sincennes, secretary
              and treasurer;  Janvier H.  Terroux, bookkeeper.  Office,  37  Commissioners st.
                               MONTREAL   BUILDING SOCIETY.
          J. T.  Badgley, secretary  and treasurer.  Office,  67  Commissioners  street.
                           CITY  AND  DISTRICT  BUILDING  SOCIETY.
          J.  C. Abbott, secretary  and treasurer.  Office,  Little  St. James  street.
                                 NEW  CITY  GAS  COMPANY. •
          BOARD  OF DIRECTORS—Hugh  Allan, president;  Thomas Molson, vice-president;  Hon.
              Joseph  Bourret,  Hon.  James Ferrier,  J.  W.  A.  R.  Masson,  Robert  Anderson,
              Henry  Mulholland,  John  Ostell,  William  Dow,  Alexander  Urquhart,  Donald
              Stewart,  Archibald  Macfarlane, John  Rose;  W.  R.  Falconer, manager;  Thomaa
              Hunter, secretary;  E.  Hausselman,  collector.  Office,  Gabriel  street,  Griffintown.
                         MONTREAL  AND  TROY  TELEGRAPH  COMPANY.
                              Odd  Fellows' Hall,  Great  St.  James street.
          Hector  Russell, president j N. W. Bethune,  superintendent.

                  ODD  FELLOWS'    HALL,  GREAT   ST.  JAMES   STREET.
          DIRECTORS—Andrew  Shaw,  president;  Hugh  Allan,  John  Redpath,  James  Logan,
              H. H.  Whitney.  O. S.  Wood, superintendent;  James Dakers, secretary.

          For  the transmission  and  writing  out  of  Ten  Words, or  less, exclusive  of the  Address  and  Signature:
               For  any  distance Under  100 Miles,  .  .  .  Is.  3d.,—andl|d.  )  „
                           Over  100 Miles, and under  200,  Is.  8d.,—and  2d.  f  ^ f . ^ T  '
                                                                   aclcll  na l
                          Over  200 Miles, and under  400,  2s.  6d.,—and  3d.  i  ™
                                                                   w o
                           Over  400 Miles,  .  .  .  3s.  9d. ? —and  4^d.  J
          Payment  in  all cases to be made in advance, dnd the  Company  not responsible  for the
                                 inaccuracies  of the  Operators.
                                   TABLE  OF DISTANCES.
                                              'ope.  D A  on.            Rivers.
                                      o   03     i                    sal.  o
                                      "3         o  ">  TO  o  o to         IB
                                       Toro  Osha  Port  -§  Belle  King  o  Corn  Mon1  Thre  3
                                                O   1
           Toronto,                    0  35  65  72 118 177 233 245 294 376 466 556
           Oshawa,  .   .              35  0  30  37  83 142 198 210 259 341 431 521
           Port Hope,  .               65  30  0  7  53 112 168 180 229 311 401 491
           Coboiirg,                   72  37  7  0  46 105 161 173 222 304 394 484
           Belleville,  .             118  83  53  46  0  59 115 127 176 258 349 438
           Kingston,                  177 142 112 105  59  0  56  68 117 199 289 379
                                      233 198 168 161 115  56  n  12  61 143 223 323
           Prescott,  .  ,            245 210 180 173 127  68  12  0  49 131 221 311
           Cornwall,  ,               294 259 229 222 176 117  61  49  9  82 172 262
           Montreal,                  376 341 311 304 258 199 143 131  82  0  90 180
           Three  Rivers,            466 431 401 394 349 289 233' 221 172  90  0  90
           Quebec,                   556 521 491 484i 438 379 323' 311 262 180  90  0
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