Page 12 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 12

AYR.                               21

      MOTT,  ROSWELL,  Union  hotel  and  livery  stables—Travellers  will  find a  comfortable
        house and good liquors; and horses and carriages are furnished  on the shortest notice.
      TIBBETS, ALVA, tanner, leather merchant, and boot and shoemaker, Talbot  st.
      Adams, J., tailor, Talbot st.      Harvey, Joseph, inspector  of licenses.
      Ayden, Dr., physician  and surgeon.  Hodgkinson, Philip,  postmaster,  land  agent and
      Beemer, John W., inspector of licenses.  treasurer  of the Township.
      Brooke, Joseph, shoemaker, Talbot st.  Jones, William, school  teacher.
      Brown, Rev.  C , Church of England.  Little and Hough, general store, Talbot st.
      Carey, William,  saddler,  Talbot st.  Linder, Rev. E., Baptist.
      Crandell & Miller,  general store, Talbot st.  Marsh, Rev. J., Baptist.
      Cuttle, H., blacksmith and waggonmaker, Talbot  Martin, Henry, innkeeper, Talbot st.
        st.                              Phelp, Rev. S.  C ,  Wesleyan.
      Davis, Loder, inspector  of licenses.  Price, Oram, baker and confectioner, Talbot st.
      Doty, Lewis, innkeeper,  Talbot st.  Reilly, O., tailor, Talbot st.
      Elliot, John,  general store, Talbot st.  Talbot, Miss, ladies' school.
      Foote, Dr., physician and surgeon,  Talbot st.  Tisdale & Co., general store, Talbot St.
      A VILLAGE in the Township of Dumfries,  United  Counties  of Wentworth  and Halton—distant  from
      Gait, 10 miles—usual stage fare, Is. lOJd—-distant  from Hamilton, 35 miles—usual stage fare, 6s lOJd.
      Population about 700.
      BAKER, WILLIAM, general merchant  and dealer  in groceries, dry  goods and provisions.
      BROWN & BLACK, general merchants and dealers in  groceries, hardware, dry goods, &c
      COLCLEUGH, GEORGE, general merchant, and  distiller.
      DAILEY  & FISHER, blacksmiths and  waggonmakers.
      COLWELL,  THOMAS, Wellington  hotel.
      DOLMAN, WILLIAM, Union hotel.
      DUTHIE, JOHN, chemist and  druggist.
      HUTCHINSON, JAMES, general merchant  and dealer  in groceries, &c.
      JACKSON  & COLWELL, general  merchants, &c.
      KAY,  JOHN, carpenter  and  cabinetmaker.
      KAY,  JAMES, carpenter  and  builder.
      KILGOUR, JOSEPH, general merchant, dealer in groceries, &c., &c.
      MANLEY, DANIEL, Ayr  Flouring Mills.
      MOSSER, C.  R.,  cabinet and chair  manufacturer.
      SENIOR, RICHARD, general merchant, dealer  in  groceries, provisions, &c.
      WATSON, JOHN,  Ayr  Foundry, manufactures  stoves, agricultural implements, threshing
        machines, &c, Sic.
      WYLLIE,  ROBERT, postmaster, agent  for marriage licenses and  general  merchant.
      Anderson, Robert, oatmeal mill.    M'George, Charles, apothecary.
      Armstrong, James, carpenter  and waggonmaker.  M'Lean, John, carpenter  and painter.
      Bell, William, M. D.               M'Lean, J. D., carpenter.
      Black, James, land surveyor.       M'Leod,  Samuel, stage proprietor.
      Cassidy, Francis, bootmaker.       M'Lory, R., blacksmith.
      Colwell, T., cooper.               M'Naughton & Wilson, flour mills.
      Davidson, R., blacksmith.          M'Neil, D., tailor.
      Davies, J. W., tinsmith.           M'Mahon, James, M. D.
      Dodd, R. S., cooper.               Mathieson, Alex., carpenter and builder.
      Dunlop, J., saddler.               Murray, J., baker and confectioner.
      Elliott, William, tailor.          Patterson, Mrs., milliner.
      Gladstone, W. & J., carpenters.    Piper, James, saw  mill.
      Guthrie, D., carrier.              Ritchie, Rev. Alex.,  United  Presbyterian.
      Hall, John, distillery and saw mill.  Rochester, A.,  cooper.
      Hall, Robert, carpenter  and builder.  Rose, Alexander,  cooper.
      Harvey, J., boot and shoemaker.    Ruel, G., tailor.
      Hope, Peter,  carpenter.           Ryan, J. & J., shoemakers.
      Hope, Thomas, blacksmith.          Scott, William,  carriagemaker.
      Hore, J., boots and shoes.         Suter, James, tailor.
      Lindsay, Rev. R., Free  Church.    Thompson, William,  blacksmith.
      M Crea,  Hugh,  carriagemaker.     Turner,  Miss, milliner.
      M'Crea, James, boots and shoe*.    Westhall, James, tailor.
      M'Crea, John,  carpenter.          Ayr  and Paris  Road  Company—A.  Wolverton,,
      M'Crindle, J., tailor.               president; R. Wyllie, D. Manley, A. Charlton,
      M'Donald, William, boots and shoes.  and Chs. Hamilton, directors; Jas. Black, secy..
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