Page 13 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 13

      A VILLAGE situated in the Township of Manvers, and County  of  Durham, C. W.—distant  from  New-
      castle, 16 miles.  Population  about  100.
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &e.
      Benson, G.,  innkeeper.             Preston, Porter,  saw mill.
      Gairdner,  David, postmaster  and  storekeeper.  Touchburn,  Robert, township  clerk.
      Lathany, John,  shoemaker.          Williamson, John,  carpenter.
      Mitchell, John,  tailor.            Williamson,  Thomas D.,  shoemaker.
      Porter, Thomas,  shoemaker.
                        BARNSTON,    or, Barnstoii  Corners,
      A VILLAGE in the Township of Barnston, County of Stanstead, C. E.—distant  from Stanstead, 14 mil*),
      and from  Sherbrooke,  15 miles.

                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
      Adams & Humphrey,  general store.   Green, Rev. J.,  Baptist.
      Baldwin, Levi, grist mill.          Humphrey,  S., blacksmith and  bailiff.
      Bowman, F.,  blacksmith.            Hollister, H.,  grist mill.
      Cleveland,  Samuel,  distillery.    Johnson, J.,  innkeeper.
      Cleveland,  Dr.,  physician.        Sweeny, F.,  harnessmaker.
      Darnm, Charles,  tanner.            Thornton  & Oilman, general store.
      Davis, Edmund,  distillery.         Young,   , shoemaker.
      The  VILLAGE  of Bath is situated  on the shore  of Lake  Ontario, in the Township  of Ernestown,  County
      of  Addington, C. W.~~distant  from  Kingston,  18 miles—usual  steamboat  fare, Is. 9d.—usual  stage
      fare,  3s. 9d.  Population  about 550.
                                 PTTBLIC  OFFICERS.
      Fairfield,  W.  J..  postmaster  and  collector  of  customs.
      Seymour, Benjamin,  M. P.  P.
      Donnelly, James,  clerk  of division  court.
      Priest, E.  D. 7 township  councillor.
      Detlor, Jacob, inspector  of licenses.
      Aishton, Dr,  Thomas.               Johnston, James,  saddler.
      Beaupre, P. R.,  shipbuilder.       Kennedy, Roderick,  M. D.
      Belfor  & Armstrong,  carriagemakers.  Lasher, John,  general  store.
      Blair, William,  tailor.            Middleton, William,  painter.
     Burley,  William,  hatter.           Monder, Thomas,  mason.
      Carr, Rev.  George,  Wesleyan.      Nugent, John, general store.
      Cardwell, William, blacksmith.      Phillips, Rev. H. N., Church of  England-
     Davy, B. F., & Co., general store.   Price, Elias,  cabinetmaker.
      Davy, James,  carpenter.            Priest, F.,  bootmaker.
     Davy, W.  H.,  wharfinger  and  shipowner.  Priest, E.  D.,  carriagemaker.
     Dame, Allan,  shipowner.             Reeves,  , shoemaker.
     Donnolly, James, general  store.     Rogers, Samuel,  general  store.
      Forward, D. T.,  cabinetmaker.      Rogers  & Wright,  general store.
     Foster, James,  tanner.              Rogers, Samuel,  carriagemaker.
     Greaves, Reuben,  saddler.           Rowse, John,  saloon.
     Harper, Rev. H. F.,  Church  of England.  Scrivens, J.,  baker.
     Harris, Abraham,  carpenter.         Sharp, Matthew,  tailor.
     Harris, James,  tailor.              Shibley, D.,  innkeeper.
     Hart,  S. B.,  saddler.              Thomas, William,  agent  for  fire  assurance.
     Hawley, James, E.,  innkeeper.      Thompson, James,  mason.
     Hough, Alva,  broommaker.            Tripp, Charles,  ironfbunder.
     Johnston, William,  potashmaker.     Williams, John, blacksmith.
     Johnston, T.  C,saddler.
     The  ViLLAGE~of  Batiscan is situated  on the  River  St.  Lawrence,  in  the  Seigniory  of Batiscan,  and
     County  of  Champlain,  C.  E.—distant  from  Quebec,  63  miles—distant  from  Montreal,  117  miles.
     Population about 700.
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