Page 149 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 149

158                          MONTREAL.

             E-.  Trudeau,  treasurer;  Dr. Trudel,  physician ; Rev. St. Pierre,  Chaplain;  M.
             Desnoyers, marshall;  C. E. Belle, N. Duvernay,  assistant  marshalis.
                            MEDICAL,  STJRGICAL,  AND BENEVOLENT
                      ST.  LAWRENCE  SCHOOL  OF MEDICINE,  MONTREAL.
         F.  C. T. Arnoldi, M. D., lecturer  on midwifery  and the diseases of women  and children;
             R. L. Macdonnell, M. D., lecturer  on  surgery ; A. H. David,  M. D., lecturer on
             practice  of physic;  T. W. Jones, M. D.,  lecturer  on anatomy ;  G. 1). Gihb, M,
             D.,  lecturer  on institutes  of medicine;  G.  E. Fenwick, M. D., lecturer  on materia
             medica ;  R. P. Howard, M. D., lecturer on chemistry ; H. Howard, M. R. C. S.
             L., lecturer  on ophthalmia  and aural  surgery.
         Dr.  Arnoldi, lectures  on clinical  surgery;  Dr. David,  lectures on clinical  medicine.
         The  winter  course  of lectures at this  school  commences  on the 1st Monday  of Novem-
             ber, and terminates  in the last week  of April  each  year, and a summer  course is
             given  during the months  of May, June  and July.
                    Situate  on Lagauehetiere  si, near St. Charles  Borromee st.
         Dr. Munro, lecturer  on  surgery ; Dr. Beaubien,  lecturer  on practice  of medicine ; Dr.
             Bibaud,  lecturer  on  anatomy;  Dr. Peltier,  lecturer  on institutes  of  medicine;
             Dr.  Trudel,  lecturer  on midwifery  and diseases  of children;  Dr.  D'Orsonnens,
             lecturer  on chemistry;  Dr. Boyer, lecturer on medical jurisprudence ; Dr. Coderre,
             lecturer on materia  medica.
                             Situate St. Urbain, near  Craig  street.
                       COLLEGE  OF PHYSICIANS  AND SURGEONS, L. C.
         OFFICERS  OF THE COLLEGE—ELECTED, JULY  1850—Joseph Morrin,M. D.,  president;
             Wolfred  Nelson, M. D., and Jean  Blanchet, M. D., vice-presidents;  A. H. David,
             M. D.. and P. M. Bardy, M. D., secretaries;  F. C. T.  Arnoldi,  M. D., registrar
             and  treasurer.
         BOARD  OF GOVERNORS—For  the City  of Quebec—Dr.  Morrin, Dr. Sewell, Dr. Jack-
             son, Dr. Nault, Dr. Marsden, Dr. Russell, Dr. Blanchet, Dr. Bardy.  For the Dis-
             trict  of Quebec.—Dr.  Laterriere,  Dr. Michaud, Dr. Von Iffland, Dr. Marquis, Dr.
             Fortier, Dr. Tetu, Dr. Marmette.
         For  the District  of  Three  Rivers.—Dr.  Badeau, Dr. Gilmor, Dr. Dubord.
         For  the District  of St.  Francis.—Dr.  Fowler, Dr. Johnson, Dr. Glines.
         For  the City  of  Montreal.—Dr.  Nelson,  Dr. Arnoldi,  Dr.  David,  Dr. Holmes, Dr.
            Campbell, Dr. Sutherland, Dr. Hall, Dr. Peltier.  For the District  of  Montreal.—
            Dr.  Chamberlin, Dr. Valois, Dr. Kimber, Dr. Weilbrenner, Dr. Boutillier, Dr. Fos-
            ter, Dr. Brighain,
                            MONTREAL   GENERAL  HOSPITAL.
        S.  Gerrard, president;  John  Molson, vice-president;  Alexander  Simpson, treasurer; F.
            A.  Larocque,  secretary.
        COMMITTEE  OF MANAGEMENT—John  Redpath,  chairman ;  John, Try, Thomas  Molson,
            John  Fisher, J. T. Barrett;  F. Longpre,  apothecary.
        Mrs.  Malcolm, matron ; W. G. Malcolm,  steward.
        CONSULTING  PHYSICIANS—Dr.  Holmes, Dr.  Hall, Dr.  Bruneau.
        ATTENDING  PHYSICIANS—G.  W.  Campbell,  M. D.,  James  Crawford,  M. D.,  W.  E.
            Scott, M. D., S. C. Sewell, M. D., W. Sutherland,  M. D., W . Fraser, M. D., F.
            C.  T. Arnoldi, M. D.,  A. H. David, M. D.
                        ASYLUM  FOR AGED  AND INFIRM  WOMEN.
                                    St.  Catherine  Street.
        Mrs.  Emeline Gamelin, directress ;  Mrs. Nowlan, treasurer ;  Mrs. Tavernier,  secretary.
                             MEDICO  CHIRURGICAL  SOCIETY.
        Dr. Sutherland, president;  Dr. Arnoldi, first vice-president; Dr. Macdonnell, second vice-
           . president;  Dr. Gibb, secretary ; Dr. David,  treasurer.
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