Page 33 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 33
'Formu Reeve of CL~tuter U'az'
In'74th~Year. i' >IL?. Cl :*nee P, Clzrk. ct 1M;
. - . Lrr!:.4?" ..[,'"?I. late Of 1.8:~ v,e..\.
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31~. Card it n Ixal hor-
o r . . cauwail; Lormer r,!~l ea~1.v Fc~da? zn: :c:.c:. a:wr a
TBQVO and hlchly bslpemrrl,. re&- 1 ,,PI ,11ni.r. ivh::? !.el. i .,,, ng;
'irnt of tho lounnhlp oC CI?uc6-1e:. \la? no1 Ecrrprrlcd. I:r dcrih >r
'dlra 6a:UrP~). nt hls homa'al Hu-, TrSirilrd hy a Il<ic: El TCIILI~CI
;.nd frieilrir nl:o r.:ce:ncd hrr ss
-board. Onl., fo1;onlrig alnr months',
D~C iprom,:.cnt in chdrrh and Ira-
Illness. IIe was In ills i4lh yes!'. te::,~! ~s:oc,J,,o"s.
Xlr. Cmldw~ll Lmrn nsnr Cl*
\'rev and llred there UnUl 01s blP
.flra of 7670 then hla fnlher hnd
V:ri~. n-ha iuni\e. :he irnr bi.m
other members at hls tamllr moved 5-1 -r C4 Pars dm. md :I> ed wrib
tu Long Ib:nrnl, ahtrt hu 11~~~0 rcr ur:?): kcr mlr isqe :0
practi~e.11~ u!l 519 life.. Ile n.oa >!r. Cls?k JS J?J5. nhc? sbc :oak
pranllnmt ngrlcultulst ' lor 'rr,&r.7. .', r-i:d~n:~ at B?!tarl:? ??eigh!s.
:rlvi c !>.,V. a, .a cezhe~ "I
).cnta, but ? In 1816, md Look !,e L'>:!s-< c.,z:r?, O! c,:y \-:c.,-
'up !u!der-,er at Hnrbonrd. The lala 1": <?. v-21 x.. :7s, <:I< x >,e?b?r P!
~PI::F :n -
3Ir. ~aldkgll was public a~lrlted !,Tei:i'.l:r l--i::3 Cku:ch. Site s.2~
cilli~n ant\ on* ol tba :Ira! adv?' L o T: R!E.
L"C!<?. so. 454, i,! ,kc \V?:.en.s
calca in U:'C d:slrlcL of gOnd ronda :nrl.n;!e and l'.om3,'s .id~'i;.ation
OI rie in~tcd Ch-l:..?.
Resl<cr her p:;zntr z-d hel.
h,lr"i56. ke is runi;.ed by t
rally da~~lller. Sbirlry h!?:pr.e!
' . one brolhcr.
'-i. I.TX. 3:ayn:ard
Srbplr-192. 71 home, .PI :V.O .is-
..,. -
...*, ..LI?. .,._i"h<~ FO:CT. I'cnt.
?',.!I, azd :,lrs. 7; j,-z D&ar,
, .
.\?s?.t:. n! :.:erivr,:?.
i c.e fdrm;>: v~?l ee hc!d fmzn
:he r--: ...nczce r! n-1- ~r:intr. Clip
l-:~:... OX 5und.y. Oc:rt,,r 25, a:
1 ?.I? Rc\-. .Jo::n L. H,xll:~,. o:
. . i'.l:fe.l Ci:u--l, ,.. . >\::I "1.
;. -1 .*. c77. .
.... ....... wall LC IZ
.r::::k :er.?!2~~,
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