Page 29 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 29
George Boyce ~iel I a rcridenl of Nepnn tornsiu
111 Nepcnn 81 Veur
/for 81 rears he sa one of the oldr?
I rcridenb 01 that diru:c~ He a,
At Merivale Home; inany chrngr~ in lit5 Inng lctc in Lr
dlstiic: dnd helped ZTY!ET!P~~Y in fw
lllcring thc yronsqs of the townsn;
Sat Ha Parliament ivhid~ he mewed in wrious pxitior
lrom tomship rou!~cillor to me-
-- 01 Parliament. Until the last he pr,
rcrved a clcrr mind, ond Iollow
Former Member For ~arle-' cvcntr wilh the snmc inlerert lu br
ton Was Also a County muikcd hi. la- and useful life.
The funeral will br: held tcd.
Warden and Prominent lrom hir lale home st 2.24, lo Merim
cemetery. Rev. J. 1. Kcrd~k+
in Ofaxige Order. '
Emmnnucl Chc,rc:b will olTkLte.
the lunrral %.ill be undm ha directi
1 of Cour.w L0.L hawinLion. HI,
- j drcdr d Orannrncn reprewnting r
Ormgrrnon and ohe 01 tire earliest -0:- sarioli~ poinls in the dirtrid wiil
tlerr aI Xcpr.~il Tuanrhi:~. died Fn- 11~1 >:!cudan-. in nrldivon V, oU
day ;it his 1.i:~ lhoice at :.lcrivde..Jnf- Ilt.rbig!Gk~ed lead- in'munieipal a
1t tb.c arlianred age of 8;. I '131 ; ;-1itic+ we. b t
>!I-. Unyct, came to C.~n.>~!a at rhe gi. . . .I
0: four ?car3 a.lh his pa~enls from!
County :\rm;l~i>. Ireland, rvherc he wrr .
burn. T7wr ..e:!!cvl near Cit? View and I li . -.
hk 13th-r ill~ic w~h! schml for sen>. I e : : 2-,
years Lalcr lhe moved to the farm, C
W'lere hlr fa~ni!y inow resi2.r. 1..
Fur ).cars Air. Bmr. !ock 2" .A"? i'ici;Cf; ,Cti:i~~.
part in mudcipal anairs. Tuirc m 1.
I ~Yc i O\S~?,~YL~Z
Carlcton m:A:r. hs s Conrr:rrl>i.e he P J
nai rcttl.rr:l 1 1::" ::;.;:.c o! Crm- 1 -- -
.artl\c ~rno~~cn~en. .I Fr:rn:s.r .7blcinbrr gf l'arli;+
nwu in 1917, n-herc 1.c r~l until i921.
In the Order he war one ~f ~ne~tl. ~I~IZI>>.I~
"B.7" I>;,.= ,?t ll!s l!~.!," :::
the r,,)~: znt! av~!-:-,.nC amcmkrs.
Jlcrit ale.
I Prom Mutor 01 Ptllhar~ Lad& (OGrand .
. MssLer 01 Onlario Enst hc -wed the on% "! !?.e ?a:?<,L st,t!?~~ c: x*.
order well. and will bc r:ldly W d bx
la host of formrr nssorintrr L p-xii icnrcn;, r !q:r:r ~.,mcnr <.:
>I;. Boyre ra, a mctnber of Royal P2rliar:-~t a7.6 a ::3~z:k o:;?sc.
61ack Preccprory. No 221. and of Em- man p.~...od arrp on F-:.<L:. ;::.
~nanucl Reformed Epicopal Church. re'. . . 0: C+rr;e Bo;r-. 85 )ea-- o:i.
He w~g veteran 01 thc Fenian Raid . GI, :,~!<*r.m. .ue~,,:al".
01 IBiO. Barrs In C~::Z!I Arr,s,~k. I:?!->?,
1 T!IIIF daughters and one rdn mourn the late bl-. ~VCI tax. :,, CIZ~<!-.
hia parsirlg. They are Jennie. Narlhs *:i, h:' P<I.P'S a: :re a:- 01 :a,.:
1 and Sarah end John, rcriding on rhs ?.A:.. F"!:::?.z v-ar c:-.y \-,:v, x-.*:,,
' farm. His wile. ELilabelh 'Ann Cree . 2 " L 0 " . H? I-"??
pmdecaared him by six ydrr Tw, .zn';z6 t- the <a:= x::c:c kk5 12.7!1,:
gnndchlldre~ Gorge Nelson Boyo no.( rr.ilrr. :,(;. ~.y:t :>o:c &:: A:.
and Crer Wmlr Bo,r-: sl' survive l!;* -.:. !>: x>zy :<::s :.: 7:L,, :cl.
1 %k. ~~arcc war tile oldalt Iamll: pal ala.:a. i.>r:rp kc?. li:r X~-*~I
/of ninc, of whom only two :are nov : 9: I?" C*.i?.:y O! C.:!.:,. ,, :q.;.
rurvivl-z. hIrr H. Neshitf Merivd~ 1II3 h~ =?r L C~x:::i?!i,r a:? -7%
, *
1 and Nrm. Albert Davidson. BriM ?:ec:~d t.3 1';: Ecdse r! i?-::.,.~ :a