Page 36 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 36

Il-From  Centre  Service  Road  to Weet  Boundarl:

                       Old  Weet  Section  (Bow  1 West,  Plot  9  (desigtiated  as . 1W9)-to
                       Row  27 West,  Plot  9  (2TtV6).                                                 -

                   1W8  and  -2--Raised  Grey  Stone                 1W6--Bi&  lied  Stone with  Cross:
                                                 Plaque:             LAWPZEAU        sr.
                   EGEREB                                            Eliogadia  (Laurendeau)' mtty
                   Sarah  Op Connor                                  Aug.  4,  1880-Kov.  17,  1944
                   1874-1951                                         Celina  (Laurendeau)  Tremblay
                   beloved  wife  of                                 Nov.  4,  1892-Feb.  21,  i968
                   Charles  Egerer                                   Red  Stone  Ground  Plctque:
                   Baised  Grey  Stone  Plaque:                      Catherine  Guthrie
                   EGPiEB                                            wife  of
                   Charles  W.  L.  Egerer                           NaPoleon  Laurendeau  Sr.
                   husband  of  Sarah  O'Connor                      born  Aug.  28th,  1849  .
                   1866-1932                                         died  May  23rd , 1937
                   Marie  their  daughter                            Red  Stone  Ground  Plaque:
                   1902-1907                                         Napoleon  Laurendeau  Sr.
                   wrest in osace"                                   born  June  15th,  1848
                   ~rej ~tiné with  Cross:                           died  Dec.  lOth,  1935
                   O ' CGrTlvoE                                                  ---
                   in memoriam                                       1W5--IIigh  Grey  Stone wi th  Cross:
                   James  O ' Connor                                 LAUirEI\ZJUU                        - -
                   drowned  of  the                                  -
                                                                     Jane  Harriet  Sweet#
                   Bannockburn                                       1880-1924
                   Nov.  21,  1902                                   ;;ire  of
                   aged  20  years                                   Napolecn  laurendeeu,  Jr.  .
                   in memoriam                                       1882-1962               I
                   Mary                                              Raised  Grey  Stone'Plaque:
                   wife  of                                          #Jan9  Harriet Sweet  -.
                   Jas.  O'Connor                                    wife  of  Napoleon  Laurendeau,  Jr.
                   1841-1922                                         born  Aug.  4,  188C
                   Eliza                                             died  Oct.  24,  1924
                   1860-1918                                         Foot  Stone:.
                   in memoriam                                       Ber  the                            -
                   Charles  D.                                                   ---
                   son  of                                           1W4--Iiaised  Grey  Stone Plaque:
                   Jamea  Bc  Mary                                   WILLE'iTE
                   O'Connor                                          in memory  of              . -
                   died                                              Alexander Willette  .
                   July  28,  1898 - aged  24  yrs.                  1866-1934
                                                Bc  2 nos.           his beloved  wife
                   "requiescat  in Pacen                             Eugene  Tremblay
                               ---                                   le74-1952
                   (message  undeciphered)
                   1W7--Hi&  Grey  Stone with  Cross;                1W4--Baised  Grey  St~ne Plaque :
                   Grey  Ground  Plaque:                             WILLhTTE
                   in  loving memory  of                             Angus :.                 aolly  C.
                   David  BHODBhICK                                  1896-1972                1901-
                   born  in Melencthon  'Np.
                   Duf ferin County
                   November  2,  1865
                   died  Februery  25,  1934
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