Page 12 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 12

                             (i) "Cyclo~edia of Iflethodiem in Canada" by G.H.  Cornish,
                                 Volume  T (1881);  Volume  I1 {1903).
                             (2)  "A  Pioneer  History  of the  Col~n'cy of Lanark"  by J .S.
                                 1~1cGill (1968).
                             (3)  "Early  Days Of Nethodism  b. Pertha Asbury  Methodist  Church
                                 1e21-1921" by Rev,  T. Brohn,  quoted  Ln  "The  Centenary of
                                 Wethodism  in Perth  Celebrated" Perth  Ccurier  irolwne  88,
                                 no. 11 t0ct.  21,  1321).
                             (4!  "Abstracts of  Eirths  Marriages, Deaths  in Bafhurst  Courier
                                 and  Eerth  Courier,  1834-1869''  by Louise  FIopfl19747,
                             (5!  "Historical Atlas  of  Lanark and  Renfrew  Counties" H. Elelder,
                                 and  CO.  (1883-81)  reprinted by Cming,  Fort Elgin  (1972).
                             16)  The unpublished  j~urnals of Xev.  Willlam  Be31 in Queen's
                                 University Archi-ses,  Douglas  Library,  Yin.nqston:  Volumes  6,
                                 14  and  15  (1828,  1842 and  1Eb6).

                             (7)  T~linu~es of  Circuit  Meetings  and Quax-kerly  Meetings,  Ferth
                                 Methoiist  Chapel  (181i2,  1P43 and  L&&)F   courtesy  of N.
                                 Semple, Amistant  Archivist,  United Church of Canada,
                                 Victoria UnLversitjy , Toronto .
                             (8)  "Pioneer Sketches of tie District of Bathurst" by A.
                                 Haydon. Ryerson, To-onto  (1925).
                             (9)  "Perth Remembered"  Perth Museum  (1967).
                            (10) The  Ferth  Courier,  ilec.  22, 1E56:  on ~icrofihn at the
                                 Perth  hTuseum  and  the Fublic Archives  in Ottawa;  see  also
                                 Reference  (4).
                            (11) Sheet 31 C/16,  Edition 2 MCZ,  Scrie~  751;
                                 Universal Transverse  Mercatos  Grid 402330  rn  E,  b972000 rn  N
                            (12) Directory  for Parth, Lanark  County,  (about  1858) an  "Map
                                 of  the  Counties  of  Lanark  and  Rsnfrew"  (by Walling),
                                 published  by Putnaq,  Presc~tt, 1853  (ph~tocopy by Public
                                 Archives  of Canada) .
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