Page 15 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 15

                                    The damaged  condition of many  stones has  been indicated
                              *  and f, respectively signifying broken  or  fallen  or both,
                              Ulegible  letters  are  indicated  by . . , , OccE1 comments
                              and interpretations are added  in brackets. Different  aspects
                              of stones  inscribed  on two  or more  faces are  labelled (side),
                              etc.  Original  spellings and abbreviations are  retained  in
                              names  and  dates, but  aLI  na:ces  are capitalized and sentimental
                              verses or quotatione are m.ereXy  indicated by  (verse) or
                              (notto).  On both the  Liet  of  Inscriptions and  the  Plan oT the
                              Cernetsry,  a number  ~f broken and  fallen  pieces  were  asseabled
                              to facilitate transcription,  although their original numbers
                              werc retained, Kmes  of stonecutters are given at the  en6  or
                              this List.

                              I?  In rr-ernory  of               5. In memory  of
                                 HEPIRY  WARLW                       ZIZZIE  llERCON
                                 Died  Nov.  15, 1861                Wire  of  JDHTU'  EYGRGYE
                                 Aged  65 yrs.                       Died  Jan.  20,  1892
                                 A  native of the  do.  hrexford     Aged  26 years
                                 Ireland                             BYGROVE
                                 NARREN                              (verse )
                                 (side 3                          JOHN W.
                                 DESC NH S TEDYAN                    Son  of Rev.  J. C.  OSBORN
                                 Wife of  HENRY WARWN                Wesleyan minister
                                 Died APT.  4, 1936                  Died Aug.  18,  1858
                                 Aged  89  yrs,                      Aged 1 yr &  19 dys
                                 (motto)                             (verse)
                              24  In memory of                   7.  In rnemory  of
                                 ISABTLLA  JANE DEACUN              TS13Y  S TEDITAN
                                 Wife  of  ARCHIBAL3  N9IL           Beloved  wife  of
                                 Died  July  6, 1898                JOIi  BALDERSON
                                 Aged  28 yrs.,9 mas.  &  15 dys.    Died Jan,  3,  1879
                                 NEIL                               Aged 56  yrs .
                                 (verse)                             (verse]
                              3. JAPES  H~LESTCN                 8.  In memory  of
                                 1848- 1 908                        JOHP;  3.  KESR
                                 His wiTe JANE SURNS                Died Dec.  28,  1912
                                 18G9-1896                          Aged  86  yrs.
                                 fbac k)                            KSRR
                                 In memory  of
                                 JANE  BUWS                          (side)
                                 Beloved  wife cf                   SARAR  KERR
                                 JAmS  HUDDLES TON                  1864-1938
                                 Died  July  5,  1E96            9.  JAMZS  P,  KERR
                                 Aged  42  yrs.                     1875- 1946
                                                                10.  SARAH  TRAVIS
                             4.  EPHMIM  CEACON                     Wife  of JOHN KE.W.
                                 1836-1916                          Died ;an,  12, 1892
                                 Also  his beloved  wife            Aged  60  yrs.
                                 ANNE:  PAmR                        KEZR
                                 1844- 192.4
                                 DEA CON
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