Page 11 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 11

Ontario  in 1646,  was  ordaihed  in Sarnia  in  1850 anf  served  at
                              Ferth  immediately  thereafter.  Ke  went  on to consid~rable
                              recponsibili'ty , serving as  Chairman  of several  Districts, as
                              Seci-etary  to %he Wesleyan Evlethodi~t and  London  Conferences,
                              md as President  and  Trea~urer of  ths  latter, before  axing  cn
                              October  29,  1892 at  age  72.  '~VG other ministers  b~riad menbers
                              of their  familles in this cem?fery:  Jwhs  ?.  Osbcrne,  probationer
                              in 1846,  served  east  of moronto  until.  1857-58,  and then cma
                              to ma-rk  and Sherbrodke. His baby  scn  was  buried  in AU~UE~
                              la58  (#  6).  Eventually Osborne  ministered Gn the  Quebec side
                              of  the  Ottawa valley,  retiring  in Ottavrra  in 1884.  William
                              XcDonagh  began hi= rtinistry  Ln 1852, was  ordained in 186c  ar,d
                              cane  to Sherbrooke  in  1862-63,  His  infarat son died  in Ailqst
                              1E63  (#  161.  He  remained  in Larla:-k  and HenZrew Counties for
                              three  nore  years and served  the rest  af  the  sencury in Wastern
                              Ontario, with w.riaus responsibilickes zs  Chairman  cf  Districts,
                              Secretary  and  President  5:  ths London  Conference.
                                   The earliest burislmzrkers  still In this cemetery  are
                              those of  Anne  mew  vld Mary  James,  both of whom dies  in fiprfl
                              1845  (#27  &  26),  ?cllowed by  fcur others  in the  lhte  1543s,
                              Thereafter interments  were  steady well into the  early  20th
                              Centurj,  with  no prcnoirnced  peaks indicative of  r;he  epiaernics
                              which  ravagen xore  concentrated centres  of population, However
                              there  were  profound  fanily  tragedies,  lik~ that of  the
                              McKerrachers  (stone #  46)  who  lost a newborn  baby in April and
                              two-year  018 Xargaret  Am.  in  August  of 1845,  They  were  not
                              entirely  discourage(:,  becabse  a  boy  was  born  to them in nFne
                              konthz (41,  but  their second  I\?argaret Ann,  born  in 1954,  lived
                              less  than  two years.  The  Zligah  Playfairs  lest three  children
                              aged 7, 3  and  2  years  in litf le more  than  a  nesk  in 1557 (stone
                              #  52).  One  of  the  most  tragic  losses was  that sf the Gallaghers
                              from  Bathurst  Tomship.  The  tw5  eldest sons,  Thorcas  and  Jahn!
                              aged 22  and  20 years, fell through  the  ice on the  Misaissippl
                              River En December 1,  1856, Jnhn ~vidently having  gone  tc tba
                              aid of Thomas! theii- bodies  were  nut found  f3r six  days  "as
                              fresh  as whln  they  had  gcne dew"  (IC)  because  of the  frigid
                              water, Their younger  brother Ephraix,  16  at the time, died  of
                              unstated  causss  less ';ha?  tvrc  years lzter [stone #  33).

                                   Several  of those  burid in thia  cemetery  were born  in the
                              18th Century,  the  earliest being Thomas  Hoggarth,  Who  also
                              lived  to the  rema~kabla age  of i06 years  (stone  8  73).  Although
                              no  early  burial  records  of Asbury  Church  are  held  by  the Pvblic
                             Archives  in Ottawe,  St. Paul's United Ohu*rcb- in Perth,  or the
                              Unlted Church  Archives  at Victoria  LTnivessLty  in Toronto,  some
                              of  the interments  can be  eonrimed  or extended by  consulting
                              citations in the  Ferth  Courier,  s:,  splendidly  abstracted and
                              indexed by  Louise  Eope  (4).  Among  these are Banklin  Ihallory
                              (sic) kdams  (stone #33),  Thonas  Bothvie11  (f 77) ,  lsabclla Gray
                              (#30),  James  Jacksan  Grey  {sic 3  IR303, Mary  &Tartindale (prcbably
                             #105  died bearlng  a son on  Kay  25, 1868): PvIaq  Steadman  (sic)
                              (el), Jane  (#32)  eldest drughtar  of William  Steadran  (sic),
                              Thanbas  'mite  [SAC)  (#97),  Joshua [#54) and Elizabeth  (#&?I
                              Adams,  Thomas  James  (#25},  Thomas  and John Gallagher  (#33),
                             John Deacon, Sr. (#37)  an3  Anne Richey  (8431,  as  well as a
                              number  of relevant  marriage  records  like  that of  Thomas  Jamieson
                              (#63) to Jane Stacy  (sic) on Oct.  22, 1357, of William  Steadman,
                             Ts, (sic) to Elizabeth  3a~t (#39)  m Jvne  27,  1356, and  of  John
                              Fonle  (#96) te Alice 'ATii:e   (sic)  on June  13,  1856.
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